quizzes are fun

Right: 5.87, Libertarian: 5.01



post your results!
We're not far off. Some of these quizzes are tough, because I'm personally rather conservative, but politically more liberal in ways. Some of the questions are also too "one or the other" IE the gay rights questions. One can perceive gay rights in a lot of ways. Should they be able to marry absolutely, but I have to take the other side on the cake issue, etc.

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Yeah, I dislike most of those tests because the questions often leave no room for nuance. Every other question is essentially:

A. You wish you could have Trumps baby.
B. Trump is literally Hitler.
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so we're all right wing libertarians, but i like a teeny bit more government, draehl is a bit closer to the center and cig likes the most freedom, interesting
I don't like those tests. I don't think freedom is that easy to quantify when you factor in very advanced psychological "programming" and that kind of thing.
I took the quiz everyone's taking. The latitude in degree for answering the questions was nice, but the questions themselves limit the "window". The nature of the quiz assumes democracy is good, that there are no other forms of hierarchy other than a democratic bureaucracy, etc.

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You are a right social libertarian.
Right: 3.82, Libertarian: 6.89


I think the wording of certain questions understates the extent to which I worship capitalism, but overall pretty accurate. Much better quiz than the main PoliticalCompass website.

Foreign Policy:
On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: -6.09

Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: -5.54
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I've moved up and to the right by about 1 square, otherwise it's been this way since I first took one of these in 2001.

what if one of the questions was "the government should make a father pay for child support to a woman living with another man, both of whom are bums"
I'm probably more "right" than that scale suggests. I was having difficulty answering those questions relating to cultural stuff in giving the proper weight to them and how I would handle it. I assess gay marriage as a cultural negative, but I don't think government needs to be involved in marriages of any sort. Where's the "not recognized but not against the law" option? Since it's not there, I have to figure some way to affect the scale somewhat accurately. My answer on the marijuana question probably moved it leftward quite a bit from where it should be. I think using marijuana isn't smart, but that doesn't mean it needs to be illegal.
i don't remember the exact question but i think gays can do whatever they want but government shouldn't do anything either for or against them. but i rated it very low importance cuz i don't give a shit
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what if one of the questions was "the government should make a father pay for child support to a woman living with another man, both of whom are bums"

Yeah they missed out on some golden opportunities to move me southeast. Also no direct welfare questions or obamacare questions. It was totally phrased with a liberal bias like 'in an ideal world everyone should have health care' well of course I answered yes, but not like this, not like this.
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Yeah they missed out on some golden opportunities to move me southeast. Also no direct welfare questions or obamacare questions. It was totally phrased with a liberal bias like 'in an ideal world everyone should have health care' well of course I answered yes, but not like this, not like this.
I said strongly disagree and high importance to that one. Health care is a service and if you cannot afford it, a doctor can choose to voluntarily treat you for free or you can beg money from family/friends/charity, otherwise you must accept death