Mean Fiddler, London bootleg [27th May]

I actually did see you officerdown, I was right behind you. :D

I was standing right at the front by the right speaker, as well

@Whoregasm, I think I know who you're talking about with regards to the anal sex thing, I saw 'em on the way out.
Originally posted by OfficerDown

Were you that long haired blonde bloke who kept going mental and slapping his hands on the barrier? :lol:

i saw him, infact i saw many of them. :lol:
Originally posted by OfficerDown

Wow, what did you look like? I might have seen you. Were you that long haired blonde bloke who kept going mental and slapping his hands on the barrier? :lol:

HAha no, I know who you mean, he was right near me. I was wearing an Emperor top, and i had long hair. I was next to a girl who had bright pink tights on.
DogVomit, are you female? I may have remembered you! Were you the short black haired girl standing right behind me headbanging like mad? I remember some hands touching my back, I thought 'hey, I'm getting a free feel-up!' haha.
Originally posted by OfficerDown
DogVomit, are you female? I may have remembered you! Were you the short black haired girl standing right behind me headbanging like mad? I remember some hands touching my back, I thought 'hey, I'm getting a free feel-up!' haha.

Haha no! she was directly between us. I was right behind her and she kept headbutting me in the face!:lol: