The London Opeth gig ROCKED :)

Without Face have played over 300 shows in the last three years, so they don't lack any live experience. The show last night was the first time without a keyboard player though. He isn't coming to the UK until the end of January as he's finishing his degree, so the band have had to get a mini-disc with the keyboards on to use as a backing track. They had less than a week's rehearsal with it and were basically crapping themselves in case anything went wrong. The drummer had never played to a click track before.

They also suffered at the hands of the soundman a little, since there was no guitar for the first half of the set. Julie and Andras said they weren't able to hear each other's vocals on stage either, which you would know is essential if you've heard them(though I can't say I noticed any horrendous bum notes). For all that I personally thing they performed admirably and the crowd for the most part were appreciative. They're not an easy band to listen to as they play some pretty complex music at times. I'm certainly happy with the way they played, though I appreciate it might not have been everyone's cup of tea.

I remember the reaction Opeth got when I first brought them to the UK. Their brand of meandering, complex songs and static stage presence went over most people's heads, though those already into the band thought they were fantastic. I guess the same thing applies here. Once people become more familiar with Without Face, the more sense it will make.
Lee B: thanks for that background on Without Face. It's always useful to know that kind of stuff. Shit sound on stage can destroy a live performace. I guess i should also check out some of their material before i next see them.

The variation in views about Decapitated just goes to show what a mixture of people you can get at metal gigs these days. That's good in one way but it raises lots of questions about line ups like these. I'd imagine that Decapitated would at least like most of their audience to know what death metal is.

Funny that on the Opeth forum Opeth are the only band on the bill that there's a consensus about ;)
Originally posted by Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

If it was you i walked up the stairs behind, you looked good anyway ;) Was a shame i was too shy to ask if it was you or not lol

OOOh a compliment :p thank u very much ...

it probably was me cuz i was lookin HOT that night lolol :lol:

Erm.. when i was going up the stairs a couple of people tried to go the other way and come down... if that helps any !!

shame u didnt say hello... actually i thought i saw u during decacpitated.. but again.. its that what if u go up to someone and say hey are u .... and then its not.. u feel a bit of a twat

C'est la vie!
Originally posted by robin
I thought Without Face were pretty good. 7/10

Opeth rocked. Shame I left my nice position in front of the mixing cage thing to go to the bar. Ended up to the side of it, not being able to see a lot. But they still rocked. 10+/10

Hehe I was standing right behind the mixing desk!

AMAZING sound! and i get to see the soundman doing his thing...he was very active, dialling reverbs and delays etc...

Makes a change from the shitty old soundguys who are content to just sit and wactch without altering anything...

AMAZING GIG... in my top 3, just behind dream theater @ the Astoria this year....
Originally posted by madgirl
OOOh a compliment :p thank u very much ...

it probably was me cuz i was lookin HOT that night lolol :lol:

Erm.. when i was going up the stairs a couple of people tried to go the other way and come down... if that helps any !!

shame u didnt say hello... actually i thought i saw u during decacpitated.. but again.. its that what if u go up to someone and say hey are u .... and then its not.. u feel a bit of a twat

C'est la vie!

Yeah, it was you! Can you remember when i got busted by the bouncer for trying to steal a poster? lolololol

Yeah, my mate Ed pointed out that i walked past you when decapitated were on. Stupid moi!

I remember those idiots trying to go down the stairs, didn't you say something to them? :lol:

Anyway, to make up for not saying it earlier...

Hi, i'm sam! lol :cool: :spin:
Originally posted by Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral
Yeah, it was you! Can you remember when i got busted by the bouncer for trying to steal a poster? lolololol

Yeah, my mate Ed pointed out that i walked past you when decapitated were on. Stupid moi!

I remember those idiots trying to go down the stairs, didn't you say something to them? :lol:

Anyway, to make up for not saying it earlier...

Hi, i'm sam! lol :cool: :spin:

i dont think i noticed u getting busted! i was rather drunkard! lol
its crazy to think we were all in the same building, some of us stood next to each other virtually and then didnt meet in the flesh lol ... oh well

when those idiots came down i was like SPOT THE TWATS.. i actually turned around to say it to my mate but he wasnt behind me,, so it became a little more general than id planned.

OK yeah hi - im Cath ( and im a crazy bird! lol)
:lol: :grin:
Great set list, but I'd prefer "The Moor" instead of "GL" from Still Life. But then again, I'm a nitpicker from another dimension.
OH! this is interesting! it looks like i'll be seeing Without Face again this sunday as they are supporting Arch Enemy! well that should be interesting
Did anyone one see me? :D

I had kidna long mulletly hair and look about 15 and was wearing a Opeth uk tour May 2002 shirt?

And was at the front at the barrier on the left all night :)
yeah actually now to thinkof it i think they did play bleak and not the funeral portrait, ahah i sort of forgot to take in what i was watching. Opeth and Decapitated rule all!!
Originally posted by Morgour
ok let me say this Decapitated fucking kick ass, anyone who says bad shit about them is a fucking dick, hahaha random note structures and teenage angst my fucking ass, decapitated are technical as fuck, way more techncial then anyother death metal band ive heard, decapitated were fucking amazing.

hahah, come on, they're not that technical really... Cryptopsy and Necrophagist, now THAT's technical
Originally posted by madgirl
i dont think i noticed u getting busted! i was rather drunkard! lol
its crazy to think we were all in the same building, some of us stood next to each other virtually and then didnt meet in the flesh lol ... oh well

when those idiots came down i was like SPOT THE TWATS.. i actually turned around to say it to my mate but he wasnt behind me,, so it became a little more general than id planned.

OK yeah hi - im Cath ( and im a crazy bird! lol)
:lol: :grin:

Nice to meet you, hopeully we'll meet again :)

Take it easy :grin:

That's just fucking hilarious.



Rock on.
Originally posted by Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral
Anyway, any opeth fan is a mate of mine, so you said it to A mate anyways :D

tehhhe... i did think a few people giggled actually.. i suddenly thought i better shut it tho incase i got me a slapping lol

anyway yeah..
im a gonna take it easy ( tho my sister is home.. only been up 20 mins and im ready to slap her one lol)

Oh and do ur selves a favour people .. dont go to st mary's uni cuz they totally fucked up my paper work and appear to have lost all my4th ( final) year marks. which means i prob wont get to grad in JAN! im not a happy person!!


think ill have me so loud metal music.. get myself prepared for a night at the local metal club, boogyin ass off.
( Metropolis.. have u ever gone to the agincourt in camberley)

KEEP it sweet peeps !!!!:grin:
hahah, come on, they're not that technical really... Cryptopsy and Necrophagist, now THAT's technical

??? what the fuck!!!!! cryptopsy are about as technical as greenday, for fuck sake, decapitated are about 20 million times more technical then shytopsy, fuck that, you need to clean your ears out!! have you even listend to Nihility??? thats way more technical and different to what any other death metal band are doing at the moment, Vogg ( the gutiarist) plays so fucking well, i was watching him the whole time, he was playing tight as fuck, he naild every single note, didnt fuck up once, hahah what the fuck ever cryptopsy are fucking bollox.:mad: