The London Opeth gig ROCKED :)

I thought without face were fucking excellent personally, i would of moshed harder but it just seemed no one else was that interested, decapitated were kinda lame, just random structures and notes is all i could see, couldnt make out any melody, just teenage angst thrashcore. Opeth still the best obviously, i was about third from front in the middle, Im fucking tall but everyone there just blew me away in that respect, lankey fuckers.
Yes 'twas a good gig :)

Without Face put on a pretty weak performance. Some of the music sounds ok but they really seemed to lack confidence.

Decapitated played with note for note accuracy as always. Not as much energy as usual but maybe that was the audience too. Still one of the most technically accomplished death metal live acts out there. I still think they need a second live guitarist to do the material full justice.

Opeth were pretty much perfect (again!). The material from Deliverance, i thought came across stronger than anything else. Simply stunning. Words are never good enough to describe an Opeth performance. Some get it. Some don't. And Mikael did all that whilst being ill, apparently !!!! Thankyou Mikael.
Originally posted by madgirl
I did too!


Also... i thought it was really superb that he managed to do it when he was sick!!


yeah, I thought maybe the clean vocals wouldn't be as good live, without harmonies etc, but I underestimated Mikael's powers.
I was so happy to hear that song, it's my favourite Opeth track and I couldn't believe it when they opened with it. That jazzed me out after a day spent in Grim London...
Wish I was there..I've sen Opeth here in the states at the NJ Metalfest 2001..I'm suprised that there set was so short (however the songs are long) and I hope that Opeth play a looong headlining set in the USA..Cheers..-l-
I missed Without Face, but unfortunately got there in time for Decapitated. I've seen this band 3 times now and they seem to be getting more boring each time i've seen them. I'll think I'll make more of an effort to miss them next time (only my opinion, so don't start).

Well, Opeth. Better than last time, but not quite as good as the Underworld (although I don't think anything will ever top that night!). Still, it was a fantastic night, there's not many bands that can leave me speechless after a gig! The Damnation stuff came off really well...

Anyway, I have a recording, but I won't have a chance to get it sorted until the weekend or maybe later. I must stress that I don't think it's come out that well (i need a new microphone). This one will be for dedicated completists only I reckon. Still, if anyone's interested, get in touch with me via my website below. Give me some time to get back to you because I want to properly asses what I have and get it as good as I possibly can :)

In the meantime, if anyone else has a recording I'd be more than interested!
Originally posted by Graveless Soul
The Damnation stuff came off really well...


I think hearing world exclusives of deliverance songs is quite enough lets not go over the top and claim we heard damnation as well
Without face were good.

Decapitated were excellent.

Opeth were brilliant.

Yeh that's about it

they where amazing! i was lucky enough to be at the front for all of Opeth's stuff :grin: :grin: AND i got to touch Mikael :eek: i will remember that night forever!
We were up the top on the right for the first band and the band was good but the singers sucked (had they ever rehearsed together?). The female singer was quite cute ;)

We went down to watch Decapitated but they really are not my cup of tea. They put on a good show and were all technically very good but I think their songs are very immature in the way they are structured. The singer also decided he had to speak between songs with his growly voice which made me laugh immensely as noone had a clue what the hell he was on about.

We then moved up to the right and bar for Opeth and got a great view and a great sound. I was very impressed with them and although they all mucked up the odd bit (very surprisingly some of the double-bass drumming went a bit tits up) they had an incredible live sound and were one of the best bands I've seen live. The new material definately came across very well. They pretty much played my favourite songs too.
Originally posted by godmachine12
That's a fucking dream setlist. When they come to the states I hope that doesn't change. Fuck!
With the exception of the Deliverence songs, that's pretty much what they've played here in the States before. So I'm expecting a similar setlist.

And when they opened up with Moonlapse Vertigo in Milwaukee in 2000, I got tears in my eyes. I love that song so much, and I was surprised that they had chosen to play it at all, much less as an opener.

I'm disappointed about the negative Without Face comments. I think their album, Astronomicon, is quite good. Perhaps they're a band that's better in the studio.
I'm jealous right at this moment.

Soon I will be impatient - waiting for the tickets to go on sale.

Then I will be excited when I have the tickets and am waiting for the show.

Then I will be anxious as the date comes closer, hoping that nothing will go wrong, and that the concert will actually happen without a hitch.

The day of the show I will be impatient, excited, and anxious.

Then at the actual show, I will be in heaven (or a reasonable facsimile for the non-religious).

Then after the show, I will be amazed at what I saw, and disappointed that it's over.

Thank-you Opeth for fucking with my emotions. :grin:
ok let me say this Decapitated fucking kick ass, anyone who says bad shit about them is a fucking dick, hahaha random note structures and teenage angst my fucking ass, decapitated are technical as fuck, way more techncial then anyother death metal band ive heard, decapitated were fucking amazing.
I'm disappointed about the negative Without Face comments. I think their album, Astronomicon, is quite good. Perhaps they're a band that's better in the studio.

Well, quite frankly the vocal performances were way below what I'd been led to expect from listening to the tunes on the website and from the CD reviews I've read. I was stood close to the soundesk and I thought that the playing was fine. I could hear all of the instruments and they sounded like a decent prog-metal outfit to me.

They can play, but the songs didn't sound that great. It could be that the vocalists didn't get much of a chance to warm-up or soundcheck, so I don't want to be too down on them. It could have been an off-night for them both and the band was probably nervous - playing London, big crowd etc.

I want to see them again and I'd expect them to be better next time.

Now did they play Bleak or The Funeral Portrait? Your setlists differ.
Anyway, I HOPE they will come to Austria and I HOPE they will play Demon Of The Fall here...