Setlist from tonight! (Montreal)

Gah, I hope they stick in a few more different songs before they do their European tour. Maybe switch 'Credence' for 'April Ethereal' and 'Advent' for 'Nectar'. Not that I dont like them, its just that i'd love to hear more different songs than from the last time I saw them. The addition of Godhead's Lament is excellent though :rock:
I wish they didn't play "Bleak", it's a song which I think goes against what an Opeth song should be, as it's immediately likeable and then...boring. I'd rather have the divine "The Moor".
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Who cares WHAT they play - just enjoy the fact that it's Opeth, and that you're there. That's how I feel about tonight.

I think that Noel, the T.O. promoter, just said that they can play all they want since there is no curfew. I'm pretty sure they won't play extra (if they do, maybe just one song), so don't get your hopes up.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Who cares WHAT they play - just enjoy the fact that it's Opeth, and that you're there. That's how I feel about tonight.

Yes but for me personally i wish they would make a few alterations in the set. I have seen them 3 times live now and each time was near enough the same set.

They were still amazing though. I just hope for April Ethereal and Forest of October this time around.:)
In regards to merch prices they were very high priced.
$40 CDN a T-shirt, $50 long sleeve, and $65 hoodie. Americans take off about $15 and that's your price roughly.

I was very happy with the setlist, and it went by rather quickly for an hour and 40 minutes.
Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
Yeah i'd also prefer the Moor.

When they play Adcent, the intro is cut. It just bursts right into the song, which is actually a lot cooler than it might sound.

They did play the intro in Montreal