Mean Fiddler, London bootleg [27th May]

what did you think of the support bands? the woman from the second one had a little too much to drink methinks.
Originally posted by Whoregasm
what did you think of the support bands? the woman from the second one had a little too much to drink methinks.

I thought that Arch Enemy were very good, I didn't see Withering Surface though. What made you think she had too much to drink? I was standing at the back for them so I didn't notice anything.:spin:
I was at the front for all three bands. Arch Enemy were on fire I thought. Angela Gossow I bet is like that all the time, very passionate performance from all of them. I'm glad they played 'Burning Angel'.
Originally posted by DogVomit

What made you think she had too much to drink?

The random insanity, plus she was drinking wine behind one of the speakers and then throwing up into a bucket.
Originally posted by DogVomit
I was standing right at the front by the right speaker, as well

That's where I was too... did you see me?

Originally posted by Whoregasm
:bah: brown haired slut, wearing a shot black skirt, fishnets and a black lace shirt.

Were you somewhere behind me? *See this pic*

Or, when we were in the que, I was there with my friend, having some beer, had my At The Gates t-shirt n, and you were standing next to us...? Is that you?
Originally posted by -=Metalas=-

Were you somewhere behind me? *See this pic*

Or, when we were in the que, I was there with my friend, having some beer, had my At The Gates t-shirt n, and you were standing next to us...? Is that you?

typical, i cant see the damn picture *shakes fist*.... i really cant remember, uhm.. but yes i did stand next to people drinking beer..i think.
Originally posted by Whoregasm

typical, i cant see the damn picture *shakes fist*.... i really cant remember, uhm.. but yes i did still next to people drinking beer..i think.

Right well then, wait till I upp the pics somewhere else then... :D