meaning of your screen name

mine is obviously taken from the song by amorphis

black winter day is essentially a down and depressed outlook on life (the lucky feel like "the sun on a spring morning", while mine is a "black winter day"). blah, blah, blah, you get the picture. . .

well, people?

i am especially curious about [KOTNO]Narrot. . .
haha....well, there's not much to say:

[KOTNO] is a little (15 members or smth) blind guardian fan organization i am member o (not very active tho...). actually i would not make it part of my nick but i don't want to bother mark...haha...

Narrot is some fantasy name...actually as i already said i used to be a huge blind guardian fan (still like them, but they are not my faves anymore) and so took the word narrator and made my nick.
back then i was pretty happy with it because "Narr" is a german word for jester...(i was sometimes using jesterot as nick too...). that's the whole story.
Here in Baltimore there used to be a radio show on called "Love It Or Shove It," where the DJ would play a brand new song and people would call up and tell whether they liked it or not..

Well I would always call up and say "biatch!"

haha.. I was a local celebrity ;)

This was like 4 years ago. Alas, the show's not on anymore. Hell, the same DJ isn't even at the same station, he moved over to the classic rock station.

so yeah. That's where my screen name came from.
Originally posted by BiatchGuy
Here in Baltimore there used to be a radio show on called "Love It Or Shove It," where the DJ would play a brand new song and people would call up and tell whether they liked it or not..

Well I would always call up and say "biatch!"

haha.. I was a local celebrity ;)

This was like 4 years ago. Alas, the show's not on anymore. Hell, the same DJ isn't even at the same station, he moved over to the classic rock station.

so yeah. That's where my screen name came from.
I listened to Love it or Shove it on 98Rock(that is the station you're talking about,right?) when they brought it back for a little while...then took it away.Ock was the host,I think.He moved from 98Rock to 94.3Classic Rock...that sucks,he was awesome.But I don't even listen to the radio that much anymore,so I can't name all of the DJs they have now that I think are horrible.
Mine is a more nerdy story, haha. My computer science teacher in 9th and 10th grade would always make up weird hick sounding names for examples, like Bob-Ann, Jim-Bob, etc. I always thought it was kind of goofy. Flash forward like 5 or 6 years, the internet gets to the point where everybody wants your personal information. Like I need to tell them who I am to download free software. So, I made up the email address, but later they started asking for city and state, so Jimbob decided he was from Hickville, AL (since AL was the first state on the list). So, thus was born Jimbob Hickville, a name I use for message boards and gaming as well. Most places won't let you have spaces in your username, so I made it jimbobhickville. Didn't realize I could've had a space here, or I would have.

That's a really lame story, but you asked, so that's what you get :)
My name comes from the song Tiananmen Man by Nevermore. The chorus I believe it is goes "ecstatic youth played with fire, freedom washed over them, democracy their desire...."
hence my name, and my little line underneath it about "playing with fire"
it's all a big take on the song's chorus, and the song kicks ass too!
Way back in 1990, Fox put out a sitcom called Get A Life, starring Chris Elliott of 'Late Night With David Letterman' fame, about a 30 year old idiot paperboy who still lives with his parents. My name is taken from one particular episode, in which Chris goes to visit The Big City, is slipped a mickey on the street, gets his wallet stolen, and is embraced by the harsh city, who needs an innocent young man to rally around, and they celebrate him as 'Wallet Boy'. But when Chris' parents show up at the city and declare that Chris only forgot his wallet at home, the city turns against Wallet Boy by throwing bricks at him and leaving him for dead. Eventually, he winds up dying and decaying outside the city gates while waiting to be let back in, and the city eventually forgives Wallet Boy, now just a skeleton, by throwing a ticket tape parade in his honor.

One of the most disturbing and strange shows ever to make it to air. Also one of my favorite sitcoms of all time.
Mines pointless really. Just Megadeth related back when i registered on their board.

I couldnt think of what to have so i took the song "Crown of Worms" and replaced worms with deth so i had Crown of Deth which is a bit shit looking back, so i slimmed it down to Crown so everyone still knew who i was and ive kept it on all the other boards to for the same reason.
Oh, the love of my life, Narrot has graced me eith his precious words!:p
I'm joking. I'm alright, except for the fact that some retard i know woke me up at 4:00 AM and then again at 4:15..... And I had to get up for work at 6:00.... what a fucking fruitcake:mad:

How bout you?
Mine, in case you can't figure it out and didn't catch it on part of a thread when i first signed up is from the Edgar Allen Poe poem 'the Raven". Probably the only poem i like :D

"Tell me what thy Lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'
Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore' "