medieval music


Sep 19, 2002
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anyone here who know about some good medieval music?

some bands that i already know and really like:
-lothlorien (check them out at
-blackmores night
Have to say I like medievel stuff......I like Blackmore's Night when I'm in the mood. Have to say Ritchie Blackmore's taste in hats is worrying but once you get past that.....

I'll check out Lothlorien ...thanks.

Eagle and I once sat in the grounds of Whitby Abbey and listened to some minstrels playing the real mccoy.....way cool that was!!!!
Well there's some stuff mentioned here for me to check out for sure! I've been listening to a lot of medieval "classical" (best term I can come up with at the mo) music by composers like William Byrd and Thomas Tallis. Not everyones cup of tea I guess.......
what about making a concept album based upon a fantasy story some time steve, where you can mix music elements from metal and medieval music..? :)
it will probably not be easy though..think about it :D

NP: blind guardian - past and future secret
That's a pretty cool idea WW! At the moment I'm doing some research into a historical tale from the late 1300's and early 1400's with a view to writing some (or maybe one really long song) songs. Have to see how it goes dude!
great! but just out of couriosity, what is the tale about? i've read alot of historical tales from the 1400's, and maybe i've heard of the tale you are doing some research on..:)
WW....the story is about a dude called Owain Glyn Dwr, who is regarded as the last true Prince of Wales. He is famous for leading the resistance to English attempts to take over Welsh lands.

In the 1980's a terrorist group emerged in Wales calling themselves the "sons of Glyn Dwr". They protested against Welsh homes and land being sold to the English as "holiday homes" etc. They went as far as bombing any estate agents in Chester that sold welsh houses. Pretty full on stuff.