Megadeth & Dream Theater news

Seventh Son

Zero Salvation
Apr 16, 2001
Sydney, Australia
This comes from Kevin Shirley's web page:

"just preparing for a spate of mixing - some tracks by Dream Theater, Widespread Panic and Megadeth up some time in the next coupla months"

I'm not sure what 'deth he is mixing though? 'deth should have gone back with max norman.

"the triple live Dream Theater album, as well as the SOiL album look set for a September 11 release - which is also when we begin mixing the new Dream Theater studio album in New York's Hit Factory studios!"

Wonder why he isn't using Avatar studios this time? IMO DT should have gone with David Botrill seeing that the new album is going to be heavy...
This also came from shirley's web page -

"Seems the Iron Maiden DVD and live CD set from Rio have been pushed back for a 2002 release - and I'm not sure about the Journey DVD release schedule yet. Just spoke to crazy Maiden vocalist/ novelist/ screen writer/ olympic fencer and pilot Bruce Dickinson, who has just started line training for British Airways - flying a Boeing 757 around Europe, " Did a Heathrow-Frankfurt return and then Heathrow-Munich and a night stop.....oh yeah...flew the real thing at Shannon the other day. 10 touch and goes in a 757....bloody hell...bit of a rush! The only casualty was the seagull that hit us at 100 feet into Heathrow (ouch..headache)" "