Megadeth/Testament/Exodus (3/1/10)


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
Show was absolutely sick. First show with Dave Ellefson back on bass. Show was sold out, so there was too many fuckin people. Biggest complaint: sound was shit! I like to stand in the center just at the edge of the pit so I can get a good idea of whats coming through, so I ended up being a little disappointed.

Exodus had a good mix (the best of all 3), but it was like they micd the cabs at the edge of the speakers so they were rather woofy. Tom Hunting has to be the hardest hitting drummer I've ever seen, he's a fuckin animal.

Testament, they kept fucking with Eric's guitars and dropping him in the mix. Paul Bostaph wasn't really trying all that hard, seemed like he was only trying to cop what Clemente originally played...almost like he was injured or sick or something. They kept dropping Chuck's vox in and out, and when they were in...they had too much damn delay on his vox. I could tell they rushed to get Testament set up right away and did minimal sound showed when they started that all the levels were fucked up. They played "The Legacy" all the way through. Skolnick was absent, Glen Drover (Megadeth, King Diamond, Eidolon...for those here who don't know) filled in.

Megadeth went on, they started with "Set The World Afire"...forgot to put Dave in the mains until after the drums fired up. The rest of their set, they pretty much had Broderick drowned out the entire time. That really sucked because you could tell He was laying down every Marty solo with pure percision. They made Ellefson audible, which was cool...but they also had a lot of sub going so the bass and kicks were overpowering the mix. If only they dropped the sub levels, it might have been a bit more enjoyable. Dave said it was the first time in the history of the band that they ever played "Five Magics" and "Rust In Peace/Polaris" live. He was having a hard time singing and playing a bit of it, but whenever he had to he'd just stop playing guitar and let Chris cover it (about the only time you could hear him).

Overall, great show...shit sound.
Show was absolutely sick. First show with Dave Ellefson back on bass. Show was sold out, so there was too many fuckin people. Biggest complaint: sound was shit! I like to stand in the center just at the edge of the pit so I can get a good idea of whats coming through, so I ended up being a little disappointed.

Exodus had a good mix (the best of all 3), but it was like they micd the cabs at the edge of the speakers so they were rather woofy. Tom Hunting has to be the hardest hitting drummer I've ever seen, he's a fuckin animal.

Testament, they kept fucking with Eric's guitars and dropping him in the mix. Paul Bostaph wasn't really trying all that hard, seemed like he was only trying to cop what Clemente originally played...almost like he was injured or sick or something. They kept dropping Chuck's vox in and out, and when they were in...they had too much damn delay on his vox. I could tell they rushed to get Testament set up right away and did minimal sound showed when they started that all the levels were fucked up. They played "The Legacy" all the way through. Skolnick was absent, Glen Drover (Megadeth, King Diamond, Eidolon...for those here who don't know) filled in.

Megadeth went on, they started with "Set The World Afire"...forgot to put Dave in the mains until after the drums fired up. The rest of their set, they pretty much had Broderick drowned out the entire time. That really sucked because you could tell He was laying down every Marty solo with pure percision. They made Ellefson audible, which was cool...but they also had a lot of sub going so the bass and kicks were overpowering the mix. If only they dropped the sub levels, it might have been a bit more enjoyable. Dave said it was the first time in the history of the band that they ever played "Five Magics" and "Rust In Peace/Polaris" live. He was having a hard time singing and playing a bit of it, but whenever he had to he'd just stop playing guitar and let Chris cover it (about the only time you could hear him).

Overall, great show...shit sound.
That must of been awesome even so, I mean I'd kill to see a Megadeth or Testament concert.
sucks that the sound didnt do the show justice. did megadeth play the entire album straight thru, one song right after the other? or did the mix it up? also curious, how much did they play off the Endgame album, or did they focus on the older material because Ellefson was back?