Melbourne Bodom fans

Rocky Raccoon

I am the Walrus
Feb 24, 2004
Auckland, New Zealand
Hi guys

Im comming over there from New Zealand soon to see Bodom play and I was just wondering if any of you can recommend me some good Metal pubs & bars and also some good CD shops over there...

Much appreciated

Hey man. Ok, metal clubs in Melbourne:

Ragnarok - Just opened up. Haven't heard much about it yet and obviously haven't been there yet but it should be good simply because its named after a norwegian bm band! Ah, i think it is on Exhibition st......i'll get back to you about that.

There is also an Alternative club called NEXT. Mainly plays hardcore and american popular metal though....say BMX at the door and you get in for $8. Stay in the bottom 2 floors though, crap punk upstairs.

Metal shops! Melbourne has THE BEST metal shop in Australia! Metal Mayhem. It is on Flinders strett on 'Banana Alley' Has loads of metal cds and shirts ($45 i think). Website is

Other than metal mayhem, jb-hifi is your best shot at decent music. There are 2 shops in the city on Bourke St and Elizabeth St (the best one!)

Oh and there is also a little Gothic shop on Flinders lane, in a little side alley. Sometimes hard to find. It is called Peril and has clothes and CD's.

PM me if you need help finding them.

- SMiM
SMiM said:
Hey man. Ok, metal clubs in Melbourne:

Ragnarok - Just opened up. Haven't heard much about it yet and obviously haven't been there yet but it should be good simply because its named after a norwegian bm band! Ah, i think it is on Exhibition st......i'll get back to you about that.

Also the big ship in Final Fantasy 8. But Ragnarok is actually the twilight of the gods.
trollhammaren_666 said:
Any word yet of a bodom after show party?

I yhaven't heard of anything about it.....i was wondering if they would do an in-store so i could get some stuff signed. But again i haven't heard of that being planned.

On a similar topic...when Dismember hit Melbourne and Sydney they will be doing in-stores ( Melb in-store at Metal Mayhem, Banana Alley off Flinders St)

- SMiM
We got a medic SISU called Ragnarok in the panzergarage.
But when the battalion cheif's name is Odin and the battalion logo and name of the main building is Ormen Lange, that's expected. Metal! Fuck you pussies!

About Ragnarok......i was going to go there this week.....but i have just unfortunetly found out that it has been cancelled due to something about the organisers can no longer use the nightclub (Club 169).

It is a shame really because checking their playlist's and it was really good music.....not crappy american popular music. Bodom was played quite a bit apparently.

Hopefully it might re-open at a different venue sometime soon...

- SMiM
Holy shit I NEED A TICKET!!!

I missed out, and will forever kick myself if I miss this one... if anyone has a few tix to offload, it would be greatly appreciated. Or, if anyone can suggest legitimate alternatives to getting in, or know people....

Announce another show fellas!!!