melodyne question

Yes you can. I don't have melodyne yet, but I'm sure you can do it. Don't know what it's caused, but you make the notes straight instead of curvy. lol
Pitch changes shoudl be at right angles I believe, and full correction and no wavering

There's vids on youtube
I've never used Melodyne, but I imagine a lot of the controls have the same/similar functions to AutoTune. With AutoTune, there is a "Retune" knob that defaults around the middle (at 20)...turning this knob up causes the retuning to follow the redrawn lines more strictly, while turning that knob down causes it to retune less strictly. That thing cranked all the way up, in combination with straight lines drawn on the graphical area, will get you the Cher sound.
Not sure If you can do it with melodyne...but its very easy with Antares Auto tune. Set the notes to Picky and Fast, and it wil do the that sound.
I love the way TDWP singing parts sound. What exactly is done to create this because it seems different that the whole T-Pain thing to me were the voice jumps around in pitch.
Fuck T-Pain, Autotune, Melodyne and all that shit,


seriously though, the answers have already been given.

The question remains, why would you want to sound like that?
:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
I may be wrong but I don't thing that cynic does this... They use actual vocoder from what I've heard which is totally different ...but I'm definitely not an expert on cynic so if anyone can confirm this...
I love the way TDWP singing parts sound. What exactly is done to create this because it seems different that the whole T-Pain thing to me were the voice jumps around in pitch.

PM joeymusicguy and ask how he did it?
I may be wrong but I don't thing that cynic does this... They use actual vocoder from what I've heard which is totally different ...but I'm definitely not an expert on cynic so if anyone can confirm this...
You're probably right--I don't think any of that autotune-type stuff was really around in that capacity in 94 or whenever they did Focus.
Fuck T-Pain, Autotune, Melodyne and all that shit,


seriously though, the answers have already been given.

The question remains, why would you want to sound like that?
:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

Ok the Caliban album the Undying Darkness has this same style of vocals and sounds similar to TDWP singing parts. Now is that gonna be metal enough for this metal forum? I hope so cause Andy mixed it! Sorry we all don't just work with metal bands dude, I wish i could but thats just life for me. I have bands that want that style of singing and i need to be able to deliver on that and thats mainly why i ask about it..... Plus i personally think it sounds cool as do lots of other bands Ive worked with.

I also look at this forum as more for recording, than just metal. I know a lot of people here deal with different style bands also. Though i do love metal and thats the style of music i play, its just not all that I get to record unfortunately. So yea sorry for asking my original question.... or maybe not!! :)
Oh no big deal dude....

So is it a vocoder that they use or just auto tune?

Sorry I'm totally clueless to this vocal stuff.:guh:
TPain is most definitely AutoTune, retune set to fastest, Choosy detection, no vibrato.
Some times it sounds like the notes are played via MIDI

I don't know for sure what The Devil Wears Prada uses (I had to look up what TDWP meant), I'm listening to them on YouTube now, the video I'm watching has the keyboard player with a MicroKorg (all the emo bands seem to have microKorgs!) So if there are any Vocoderesque parts its likely from that.
If its the singing parts, then it could be either Autotune or melodyne. (still sounds a out of tune to me, but has that sort of plasticy sound of the tuning software)

The Cher effect is from AutoTune, not a vocoder.
2pac California Love is a vocoder. Snoop Dogg has a bunch of songs with Vocoder as well.

I'm not 100% positive which effect (AT/Melodyne/vocoder) is used in this song, but I think everyone can agree it ruins an otherwise decent song.
Check out the chorus around 3 minutes in