
Seriously, viewed from my little country, I really don't understand the appeal for Trump. The guy's a bully. Exactly the guy everybody hated in school when you were young because of his relentless shitty behavior. Why would anybody want to vote for someone whose only will is to make you suffer for the sake of his own narcissism? I get the defiance towards the gov and political system and such, but I suppose there was somebody else out there to represent this opinion than that giant douche.

And why the hatred towards Clinton? She's an average politician. Probably better than Bush Jr. and worse than Obama. There's no surprise in her program and almost zero risk with her presidency. Sure, she wont do a revolution, but hey, nobody does because no one likes it. She's got ties with big money? Like it's uncommon for US presidential candidates... What's the rational for the hatred?
meh...everything that has to do with this "election" is way above my medication threshold. that said absolutely nothing anybody can say or do will get me to vote for that bitch, and i am no trump fan by any means but i'd much rather have melania as first lady than bill. the faggot mainstream media in this country is a fucking disgrace, and if that is what people outside our borders view us by.....bleh..:puke:
The hatred to Clinton stems from the scandals. She publicly spoke about being under sniper fire, video proved things were hunky dory as she shook hands, smiled, took photos, etc.

She also used a private email server as Secretary which possibly contained classified information, was ordered to turn over servers and then deleted over 30k of the emails, some of the remaining emails were stolen from evidence after never having been reviewed.

Just do a little research on her. You can't believe everything you read, but she is so often tangled up in controversy and scandals that the non-Clinton supporters have an unbelievable hate for her.

I'm a registered Democrat, and I am a supporter of Bill Clinton for his 2 terms, regardless of his wandering boners, but I just cannot support Hillary.
Seriously, viewed from my little country, I really don't understand the appeal for Trump. The guy's a bully. Exactly the guy everybody hated in school when you were young because of his relentless shitty behavior. Why would anybody want to vote for someone whose only will is to make you suffer for the sake of his own narcissism? I get the defiance towards the gov and political system and such, but I suppose there was somebody else out there to represent this opinion than that giant douche.

And why the hatred towards Clinton? She's an average politician. Probably better than Bush Jr. and worse than Obama. There's no surprise in her program and almost zero risk with her presidency. Sure, she wont do a revolution, but hey, nobody does because no one likes it. She's got ties with big money? Like it's uncommon for US presidential candidates... What's the rational for the hatred?

That's a good point. However, you have to realize that Americans are so fed up with every aspect of politics that voting for Trump has become more of a protest vote than anything. It's not like people don't realize the type of person he is, and if he gets to the White House (which he won't) he'll turn everything upside down and fuck up everything, but that's precisely what people want. They want to shake the snow globe and hit the reset button. There's also the curiosity factor of wondering just how far this can go and how ridiculous they can push it. It's quite nearly become more of a dare than an actual following, almost like Fenriz's election to his town council.

That said, there is the very real factor that Americans are very tired of getting shit on every time they turn around, and this is sort of a revenge on the liberal left and the rest of the world. You probably don't realize just how much shit the US is forced to take on a daily basis from her ALLIES, much less her enemies. Everywhere Americans go, they have to live down this stigma that the rest of the world puts upon us; sometimes it's warranted, sometimes it's not. Sometimes we deserve it, sometimes you're just a bunch of ungrateful assholes. But no matter what happens, the US has always tried to keep things on an even keel, and that means swallowing your pride and being shat on by people who simultaneously have their hand out for more money that the US has to pay for the good of foreign policy and diplomacy. This is the polar opposite of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, and this is why both are popular in the US.

When you're second best like Russia, you can afford to take things personally, cut ties, behave rashly, etc., because you have more leeway. The US can't afford to do this and Americans are tired of it. Americans want to give the world the finger and tell them to piss off, but you can't be a responsible leader of the most powerful country in the world and behave this way, even though you'd like to. Donald Trump is the type of person who would do such a thing, and that's why he has a following. It's not him, per se, it's what he represents: an outsider, someone who has literally nothing to lose so he can say and do whatever he wants. This appeals to many who are often bad decision-makers in their own lives.
But to be honest, the US is in need of a bully. Not necessarily Trump, but the US needs a president who's not a very nice person after the last eight years of weakness. Obama is a nice guy and he tried, but that's pretty much all it was. I'm happy that they legalized homosexuality in the military, happy for the steps made for legalizing marijuana, and I'm happy that he was very diplomatic, but he was weak when we needed someone strong. That whole line in the sand he drew over Syria, and when the UK called his bluff he reneged...that was disgraceful.

I think Hillary has more balls and will throw her weight around more. I'm not a fan of her either, but I'd rather she become president than Trump. She's more of a hawkish Obama, and that's not necessarily a good thing, but I'll take that over Trump being completely clueless on how anything works in government and policy.

I've lived in Europe for the last 13 years, so I think I can say with fair certainty that I know where you're coming from. You have to realize just how inept Euro politicians and governments are in comparison to the US. Nothing ever changes in the EU, ever. Brexit is the first real thing to happen to the governments here in decades. European "leaders" are all about status quo, public image, and not rocking the boat. Consequently nothing really changes. Sure, jobs go up and down with the economy, there may be social unrest, funding gets cut here and diverted over there, but as a whole the EU really doesn't DO anything for anyone but themselves. They don't even pay their dues in NATO, and it's all for them.

When you vote, you usually vote for the person who will make your country look good, not necessarily what's best for your country. EU countries point fingers at each other so much that other EU countries' opinions of them dominate their policy and have more influence upon their country than the actual citizens. The US, while they would like to be liked and be popular in the world, they don't really care what anyone thinks because they don't have to. However, to keep the peace, deals have to be struck and negotiating is all about give and take. Pakistan is a hotbed of terrorism, yet we give them over a billion per year in aid. Why? To keep the nukes out of the hands of the terrorists. That's about to change, though.

Look at Duterte, the Filipino piece of shit president who literally cussed out Obama publicly and literally gave the US the finger. The US takes it because it has to, because greater things are at stake. We would all love to give him the finger, cut off all ties, take back our billions per year in aid we give to them and tell them good luck with China, but we can't because other things are at stake. We have to play the game. Donald Trump doesn't want to play that game, and even though it would be very, very satisfying to go around telling people to pay what they owe or fuck off, it's not a good foreign policy.
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You're correct about things never changing in Europe (especially in France, Germany, Italy, the Benelux, not so true in newer members), but that's fairly recent. Probably with the introduction of the euro. I suspect it was the whole goal of the EU.

Hell, I was born in Europe, in a country that doesn't exist anymore. Talk of something that never change.

I understand the urge to give some country/people the finger. Usually it's also a so bad idea that you don't do it. It's like ruining your marriage by fucking that cute redhead hottie at a party. You know you want it, but you don't do it because you know you don't want the consequences much more than you want it. Bad politicians are like that, you want them, but you don't want the consequences much more than you'd want them to tell everybody to fuck off. I suppose that's why then stay at the bottom in polls. And when they don't, it's a good indication than something's wrong.
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The EU never changes. Borders may change by the inclusion of other states, leaders may change, economies may change, but real, earth-shattering change will never happen because it will upset the status quo. There will never be a revolution in western Europe, not even under threat of attack.

Unless they ban soccer.
neither candidate isnt worth a shit. Trump is a wacko, and Hillary cannot be trusted. The whole Benghazi deal pisses me off to no end. She flat out lied for weeks to the US public that a video is what caused the whole mess. That is complete b.s. I can't trust someone that is that way. I don't know what will happen either way this election goes. We are screwed one way or another. At least we have good music to listen to.
somebody please snopes this :yuk:

During Friday Night's Hillary Clinton rally in Ohio, Beyonce Knowles, known for her liberal ideals and anti-police rhetoric, was performing a free set for the murderous email queen when she suddenly stopped singing. She turned towards the side of the stage where Hillary was standing and said, ?You?re in my earpiece.

Clinton, looking surprised, gave a smile and started clapping. Beyonce continued her performance but cut it short after just two songs. She was seen storming off stage and leaving the venue in a limousine shortly thereafter.

A reporter from the local Parma Gazette asked around and found out from a sound tech that Clinton?s lapel mic was hot and all of the staff were listening when she said:

I'm grateful, but do we really need to listen to this ghetto trash music Doesn't she have something a little less negro?

The Clinton campaign refused calls for comment and the roadie who gave the original report is now nowhere to be found. Hopefully his life insurance was up to date.
I'm gonna say this is about as accurate as all the retarded redneck Republicans (hey, alliteration) posting Hillary memes on Facebook with fake sentences in quotation marks, which I guess in their mind is the same as reading the email itself. Then again, they are voting for Trump so it would make perfect sense that they would think that.

I made this and posted it making fun of them saying, "See? I can do it too."


Still, it would be HILLARY-OUS (punpunpunpunpun) if it's true.

EDIT: Aaaaaaaaand it's fake. What a shock.
