Best album of 2006 thus far.

Daylight Dies, Communic, Amorphis and Dismember have been the best so far. As for disappointments, Katatonia was mostly mediocre and modern. But I saw that coming. Dissection obviously sucked monkey balls.
Katatonia, Communic. Waiting for new Mercenary and.. errr.. Guns n Roses...

sknight said:
Look for the Axamenta cd. Daniel Gildenlow does guest roles on this album.

lol, only know them coz ive received this newsletter, that said "sorry for spamming, but check out this band blah-blah-blah"
sknight said:
Then get the word out! This is an album beyond the scope of most of those monkeys on Blabbermouth.

Monotheist just weighs a fuckin' ton, so to speak! I've got tix for the 2nd Jaxx show and the Myrtle Beach House of Blues show on Halloween weekend!