
Why does everyone think Trump is going to start bombing everyone or create another Cold War? That's literally the opposite of what he ran on. The Kremlin is ecstatic that he won.

I'm very unhappy he was elected, but if Trump fucks the world up, it will be because he abandoned it for isolationism. If anyone would have started a Cold war, Clinton would have just by being elected, or rather fueled the one we're practically in already by the Democrats' incessant need to always act in the interest of the moral high ground instead of what's internationally legal and good for the country. No, Trump will fuck up the world in other ways if he fucks it up because everything is about the bottom line to him. NATO countries are shitting themselves right now because they're actually going to have to fund their militaries and actually contribute in a meaningful way because there is now the very real threat that Trump may just say tough titty, that they're on their own. It's a terrible and dangerous policy, but it does achieve the desired effect of lighting a fire under their asses.

No, if people are afraid, they should be afraid of the vacuum that will be left in the Middle East and in other parts of the world if he follows through with his isolationist strategy of giving everyone the finger and effectively closing shop on foreign policy. There is this petty, immature part of me, however, that is squealing like a little girl at the thought of bringing allies to heel by cutting them off from our protection. For decades they've been able to piss in our faces about anything we did and we just had to take it because of the greater good. The realistic, mature, and wise part of me realizes this is a bad way to conduct foreign affairs, but goddammit it feels so fucking good to watch these motherfuckers in NATO squirm.

To the uninitiated, NATO members are expected to spend 2% of their GDP annually on funding their militaries according to the treaty, and .5% of that is supposed to go to R&D, I believe. As of right now, I think there are four countries who spend the prerequisite. FUCKING FOUR. The rest have literally said, "Fuck it, if anything happens America will save us. Let's go to the pub." While it's very dangerous for Trump to threaten to not respond should Article 5 of the charter be invoked, like I said, it's somewhat satisfying. You know better, you know it's a bad idea, but dammit you can't help but be giddy.

Had Clinton been elected, she would have probably brought more stability to the country due to her experience, but it may have been more of the same, and this election was about breaking the status quo. I wanted her to win just because Trump is a massive piece of shit, but I'm cautiously optimistic because we are in uncharted territory here, as this is a complete first for us. It's the first time a regular guy with no experience in government service or affiliation with the government has ever been elected.

Trump will either be a gigantic trash fire or the second coming of Jesus. He will not be a Republican Obama where he's just sorta mediocre. No, he's either going to end our country or save it.
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Oh dude, I said THE SAME THING a few hours ago. I was unhappy with the outcome, but if anything good came out of it, it was seeing all the hipsters and SJWs completely losing their shit on live television like they just lost their house in a tornado. :lol:

And you're right: it IS going to be a whole lotta fun to watch.
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Trumpster may be an arrogant obnoxious prick, but I think he has the savvy to get some bullshit straightened out. As a business owner the tax plan will help me out tremendously to be able to employ a couple more people in a comfortable manner. It is very very tough right now to do so.

On a funny note, I have some friends in low places that used to be in the SS, I guess the bitch was inconsolable last night and was on quite a tirade. She didn't have a concession speech prepared and fucking lost it when things went all pear shaped. :)
Why does everyone think Trump is going to start bombing everyone or create another Cold War? That's literally the opposite of what he ran on. The Kremlin is ecstatic that he won.

The Kremlin might be happy, but so much of the rest of the world is still in shock and don't know what to think. No one expected this clown to actually win. It's not about being politically correct or the SJW nonsense (which it should be apparent that I'm against), it's simply being a decent human being and not a fucking xenophobic asshole who claims to be out for "the little guy", even though a silver spooned 1% who has a god complex could never actually mean that.

Neither candidate was any good, but Trump is a businessman with zero experience in politics. He basically always said what he wanted and paid those off that gave him too much trouble over it.

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Trumpster may be an arrogant obnoxious prick, but I think he has the savvy to get some bullshit straightened out. As a business owner the tax plan will help me out tremendously to be able to employ a couple more people in a comfortable manner. It is very very tough right now to do so.

On a funny note, I have some friends in low places that used to be in the SS, I guess the bitch was inconsolable last night and was on quite a tirade. She didn't have a concession speech prepared and fucking lost it when things went all pear shaped. :)

Yeah, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when that shit dropped.
The Kremlin might be happy, but so much of the rest of the world is still in shock and don't know what to think. No one expected this clown to actually win. It's not about being politically correct or the SJW nonsense (which it should be apparent that I'm against), it's simply being a decent human being and not a fucking xenophobic asshole who claims to be out for "the little guy", even though a silver spooned 1% who has a god complex could never actually mean that.

Neither candidate was any good, but Trump is a businessman with zero experience in politics. He basically always said what he wanted and paid those off that gave him too much trouble over it.


That is all true, but it still flies in the face of a Cold War by Trump. There will only be a cold war between two powers, the US and Russia, and since the Kremlin is obviously giddy over the Trump win, the chances of that happening are slim to none as long as Trump continues with his pledge to work with Putin. Of course, that in itself is up in the air and is a very dangerous move, but it's not like we've been so great at foreign policy in the last 50 years. It will at least be interesting to see what happens by trying a new route.

I can't stand the guy, but this is a great opportunity to put into effect all of the hypotheses and theorizing people have been doing over the years by complaining that nothing ever changes in politics and that one is just as bad as the other. This presidency will be one giant experiment to put to bed once and for all if we as a country are simply bad for the world because we're a shitty country made up of shitty people, or if it really is just our leaders. Sure, I'd like to wipe my ass with his face, but we have to see what his presidency will be like, because so far everyone...and I mean EVERYONE got EVERYTHING wrong about this election and the last one. Obama did some really good things that I was happy with, but he really screwed the pooch on a whole bunch of other things that pretty much canceled out his positive aspects.

In any case, Donald Trump is a domestic policy president. That's his focus, and that's precisely why he had such strong support. I see foreign policy taking a back seat and the US being much more hands-off in the next four years, kinda like what we expected for the last eight but really just got another Bush-era Republican dressed up as a Democrat.
I see foreign policy taking a back seat and the US being much more hands-off in the next four years, kinda like what we expected for the last eight but really just got another Bush-era Republican dressed up as a Democrat.

Foreign policy, and so far defense policies too. Barely anyone with experience in some of the most important roles want anything to do with him. So, if something potentionally as bad as 9/11 happens (by the group he basically ostracized), because there wasn't anyone there to pay attention to it, should anyone be surprised? They would rather see the US burn than to swallow their pride and work with him. That's how much he's loathed. A lot are worried too that he's going to have more power than any president in a very long time too, with barely anyone to curb his nonsense.




Maybe the worrying is overstated, but it's like an episode of Black Mirror.
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I don't think we should underestimate Trump in the least, but we have to remember that we do have a system of checks and balances, and his own party want to keep him in check because they see him as an outsider. He's going to make some rather unpopular and maybe even outrageous decisions, but contrary to all the jokes we've been posting, it's really not the end of the world.

I just want to see all the foreign leaders line up to eat crow and lick ass after months of talking shit about him in a very public way. Again, I am not a Trump supporter, but it will be so satisfying watching those smug fucking Canadian and European politicians squirm while they are given the choice to either toe the line or get the fuck out.
Also, that Guardian article is precisely what I'm talking about. "This horror show hasn't yet begun."

What the fuck? You're The Guardian, not The National Enquirer. This wasn't an opinion piece, either. I'm so sick of how it's perfectly acceptable in the UK today to not even try to hide their anti-American bias in their major newspapers. This is some RT shit right here. I'm a left-leaning American, but I'm so sick of these people pissing in our faces every chance they get and then nothing gets done about it because they know the US will just absorb the spears for the common good.

Every time they pull stunts like this, there should be a reaction. The UK can't even patrol its own maritime borders and had to ask the US to patrol for them with our P-3s. A "horror show" huh? I'll just take back that P-3 and you can figure out a way to hunt Russian submarines yourself. Oh, you want to insult the American people in your national media for voting IN A DEMOCRATIC ELECTION by asking how so many people could be so stupid to vote how YOU didn't want it to go? That's fine. We'll see what happens with NATO funding the next time the US is asked to pay its annual 24% of the entire NATO budget, you ungrateful cunts.

It's not that they're reporting this in a different light or even putting the candidates in a bad light, they're calling the American people stupid for electing their next president democratically. The American people chose, and whether we like it or not, that's democracy. You can't always get what you want, and sometimes it really, really sucks. You can insult our leaders all you want, but when you start throwing spears at the American people and insulting them on a national scale by your national media and not by some random guy on the street giving his personal opinion, you're insulting an entire people. I'm sorry we aren't like the royal family who you pay to absorb all your money so they can look down upon you without even doing anything for your country aside from being a goddamn tourist attraction.

We tried being nice. We tried getting you to like us and work with us with soft power, but that just emboldened you to take advantage of our generosity even more, and when we asked you to back us up in Syria when Assad was gassing his own people, you said no. That "special relationship" is going to be called into question, as it should. Keep insulting the American people with a Trump presidency and see what happens. This isn't Obama, this guy is a narcissistic asshole. Now you will respect us, and if you don't respect us, you will then fear us.
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