
Hey, even something that ended up heavily infused with bias can still have some truth to it. I didn't write that shit. :)
I see no issue with the appointment. Just more 'tard sniveling from the NY times. Fuck Wall Street and the stock market anyway. All it has been used for is a false mask for politicians to cheer about a healthy economy when in fact it is not. The US has been under a near zero interest rate for a very long time now, an economy under a ~0 percent interest rate is not growing. It is stagnent or sliding downward. Look at Japan.

Just wait for the NYSE adjustment to come, prolly early to mid February. It will be 110% Trumps fault ;) even though he has had absolutely nothing to do with it. The 'tard press will be out with both barrels too. :)

This whole Trump hatred thing is damn pathetic compared to the trail of wreckage the Democrat party and the idiots before have left behind them. Do I like him? I think he's a arrogant brazen prick, but he came along at the perfect time. :thumbsup:

Anyhoo.... the only reason any of this is a big deal is the libtards, social justice warriors and the faggot mainstream media were SMOKED this election. Trampled, thrown under the bus and chewed up by an angry hippo and shit of a cliff smoked. It was fucking glorious and I am relishing in every second of it. :lol:


I was hoping Ben Carson was going places early on but I think the circus was too much for him. He's a good bloke.
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