Merry Christmas 2007 From Theocracy!

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hey Guys--
Some of you may know that we try to do a Christmas song every year. Here's this year's entry. Hope you enjoy!


Unfortunately no further updates on the album's been in the can for months, but we're waiting on the label that supposedly wants to put it out to get things in motion. I'll keep everyone posted.

Thanks and have a great Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you too Matt!

Thanks for yet another metal Christmas song to add to my collection! It sounds awesome! So much better than the version I used to play in the church folk group 20+ years ago!

Be careful, you'll have Paul O'Neill coming after you. :lol:
Merry Christmas to you too Matt!

Thanks for yet another metal Christmas song to add to my collection! It sounds awesome! So much better than the version I used to play in the church folk group 20+ years ago!

Be careful, you'll have Paul O'Neill coming after you. :lol:

Hey, if he's waving $100's around and trying to hire them, that'd be fine..... :heh: