Mesa Dual Rectifier vs. Mesa Mark IV


Ghost in the Machine
Mar 6, 2002
Manassas, VA
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I know Andy has recorded bands with both, and perhaps James has used them both. If anyone here has used both of these amps at one point or gotten to give them a test run...which do you prefer for metal, for a tight, thick, high gain sound? Do you think one is better suited than another?
Sorry, guess I'm probably the only one who hates people resurrecting 3 year old threads that had no replies in the first place, with a stupid comment such as "wamp wamp wahh". Sorry, I'm in a bad fucking mood.
I've used both. They're very, very different amps. Both will get heavy. Both have a lot of gain. The Mark IV is "tighter" overall, I guess; it's not as bassy, at least. One isn't really any better suited for metal than another, they're just different flavors of high gain. The IV is very middy, and very clear sounding. The Recto is bottom heavy and is more of a "wall of sound"-type tone compared to the more focused Mark tone. The Rectifier is probably the more aggressive of the two. They sound huge in a band mix together.

In short:
Rectifier- Aggressive, bottom heavy, "huge" sounding
Mark IV- Clear, midrange heavy, "focused" sounding

Take your pick. Both do different things. And that's not to say a Recto can't sound tight and focused, or a Mark IV can't sound massive, 'cause they can. It's all about how you dial them in. But those are general characteristics.
i have both and can tell you that they are both great amps. the mark iv is so much more smoother and has a lot more gain and has more character. the recto cuts through a mix better and is probably better for really heavy mixes. i personally prefer the mark iv for myself but the recto has it's uses, it is famous for a reason.
Lamb of God have great tone, IMO.

Also, I had no idea Systematic Chaos was all Mark IV. I never knew it could get so... Brutal?