Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
damn, I wish I had some money.
just got a Mesa MK4 offered....dude wants 500€ in cash and some recording stuff for trade...I've got plenty of rec stuff lying idle (like the HSDP, the Rosetta etc) I'd just need 500....FUCK.
well, have some months rent to pay, just bought a Rec Custom, the 2203 I don't see a way to come up with the to let an opportunity like that slip :(
Man that sucks.

The Mesa Mark series are something that interest me a whole lot because I've never been able to try one, but the tones I've heard John Petrucci achieve on rig demos sound huge.

Still, I'm not too familiar with how the whole world economy is going and stuff, but I think that's around 1000 auzzie bucks, and if that's the case, that deal is INSANE!
Crazy price. A friend of mine recently got a Mark IV and I am going to try it out as soon as I can. I'm really blown away by the sounds I hear from these even on crappy YouTube clips.
haha, yeah....could manage to get a deal where I just traded off some unused stuff of mine and don't have to pay cash..... was a no brainer ;)

it sounds so brutal yet so sweet. it's a short 1x12" combo and connected to the Mesa 4x12 ist's fucking'll definitely hear this on some of my upcoming productions.
fucking ugly cube-ish thingy though ;)

cannä wait for the clips myself, unfortunately I don't hacve the chance micing it properly in the next couple of days cause I'm in the middle of drum recordings atm...oh the pain.

can't wait to blend this with the recto
Really looking forward to hearing what you can get from it dude, I have yet to hear a clip that really impressed me! (but if anyone can... :D)
hehe, das is nils mark 4, wa ? ;-) hab das gute stück auch live hören dürfen. sehr schön !
This will be the first time I've ever heard someone with some proper skills do some recordings with a Mark IV that hasn't been Dream Theater production. All the others have been youtube clips, and although you can tell that the tone was good in the room, they still don't sound as good as come well done close micing.

I kind of don't want to hear them because then there will be another amp that I'll want to buy that I desperately can't afford to add to my list of Uberschall and Invader 100. :(
The Mark IV is a killer amp. I had one for a while and got some really awesome tones out of it. You're going to love it!
This will be the first time I've ever heard someone with some proper skills do some recordings with a Mark IV that hasn't been Dream Theater production. All the others have been youtube clips, and although you can tell that the tone was good in the room, they still don't sound as good as come well done close micing.

I kind of don't want to hear them because then there will be another amp that I'll want to buy that I desperately can't afford to add to my list of Uberschall and Invader 100. :(

Well FWIW, there was a quick demo I mixed that featured the Mark IV rather prominently. It was a quad-track blend with a Bugera 6260, but the Mark IV is by far the more dominant in the mix.

It's a good amp. Very fiddly and versatile so you tend to get people who get odd tones. I mean even the simplest of amps can get dialed rather strangely by musicians, so it's no surprise one such as this would overwhelm people.
Man that stuff is sound pretty rad! :)

Good job on everything on those mixes btw. I might have to hit you up to do some stuff for my band sometime. ;)