I love Mesa Amps and Cabs so much....

So you could swap the enclosures and knobs and have one black/black recto and one chrome/chrome? I'd pay a buck to see that. :tickled:

nah, black/chrome chrome/black lloks better IMO.
bout the tat...
I first thought about getting the round "dual recifier solo head) logo, but then I thought "nah, I also love the cab and the MK4"...so it's this logo now


so far only the black is done, the letters are still "skin" but will be silvbered/grayed later
That is a cool tattoo idea man.

I remember when I was younger I wanted to get a tattoo of my beloved Gibson Les Paul on me somewhere, but thought it might be a bit cliche and make me come across as too much of an arty/alt/fag person. :lol:

I flex my artistic/sketching muscles when in lectures a lot, and as soon as I come up with something I think won't turn into something I will hate for the rest of my life, I'll get it inked.
That is a cool tattoo idea man.

I remember when I was younger I wanted to get a tattoo of my beloved Gibson Les Paul on me somewhere, but thought it might be a bit cliche and make me come across as too much of an arty/alt/fag person. :lol:

I flex my artistic/sketching muscles when in lectures a lot, and as soon as I come up with something I think won't turn into something I will hate for the rest of my life, I'll get it inked.

I also have the waveform of "the River Dragon has come" aound my arm (and it's prett6y big...left side above, right side below the elbow).

the best tat will be on the inside of my lower arm though....an upsde down pint of Guinnes, that way I just need to raise my hand to order a pint ;)
only difference: on the glas the "ESTd xxxx" will be my date of birth.

that's something you must not steal!
drinking a pint or 6 of guinness in ireland is on my to-do list.
sneap forum meet-up in ireland for st patricks day 2010?

(i'd actually be totally up for this)
That is a cool tattoo idea man.

I remember when I was younger I wanted to get a tattoo of my beloved Gibson Les Paul on me somewhere, but thought it might be a bit cliche and make me come across as too much of an arty/alt/fag person. :lol:

I flex my artistic/sketching muscles when in lectures a lot, and as soon as I come up with something I think won't turn into something I will hate for the rest of my life, I'll get it inked.

Design me another tatt for my birfday! :oops:
I also have the waveform of "the River Dragon has come" aound my arm (and it's prett6y big...left side above, right side below the elbow).

the best tat will be on the inside of my lower arm though....an upsde down pint of Guinnes, that way I just need to raise my hand to order a pint ;)
only difference: on the glas the "ESTd xxxx" will be my date of birth.

that's something you must not steal!

Don't worry...that idea is rad but I won't steal it.

I designed a sick tattoo one of a guitar but sort of half celtic, half tribal in design, but I gave the design to a mate for his birthday, so now I have to think of something different. :lol:

Edit: Beaten! :lol:
Don't worry...that idea is rad but I won't steal it.

I designed a sick tattoo one of a guitar but sort of half celtic, half tribal in design, but I gave the design to a mate for his birthday, so now I have to think of something different. :lol:

Edit: Beaten! :lol:

ha, it's the Australians with the ideas ;)
my tattoist is also my mate and also australian, lol
ha, it's the Australians with the ideas ;)
my tattoist is also my mate and also australian, lol

This is the design in question.


It's not wanky either because my ancestry is Scottish and German. :oops:

Yes, I am the whitest guy ever. In winter my skin becomes so pale it can actually reflect light, making me almost totally invisible. All you'd see is hair, pubes and a cock n' balls robbing a bank.
I'm curious.... in terms of tone, what is the difference between the single-rect's and dual-rects and trip-rects? I used to have a Rectoverb, and I hated it. Difficult to dial in, and just very empty sounding. I've never played one of the other models, so I can't really comment on them. I would hope they are completely different beasts!
Must see the tattoo!!:lol::lol:

I'll do my own Mesa tattoo in my dick... some aggressive font in flames that say "Triple Rectumfrier" or the other way round, get tattoed my butt with "Single Rectum Fried"... no.. that is too gay.
You want a tat IN your dick? Like straight down the urethra? That's some uncharted territory I guess...

I'm just going to get "If you can read this, you're sucking my ballz..." right down the shaft.