I love Mesa Amps and Cabs so much....

I'm curious.... in terms of tone, what is the difference between the single-rect's and dual-rects and trip-rects? I used to have a Rectoverb, and I hated it. Difficult to dial in, and just very empty sounding. I've never played one of the other models, so I can't really comment on them. I would hope they are completely different beasts!

From another thread:

Heard alot of folk on here say that the Single Rec is quite buzzy and doesn't saturate very well, I'd agree from the couple of times I've heard it live. Might be a decent rock amp but not too great for metal.

I couldn't agree more with any of this, really never been a fan of the SR all the times I've played it! (yes, it should just be a lower powered version of the Dual, no IME it isn't, and no I don't have an explanation! :loco: )
I also have the waveform of "the River Dragon has come" aound my arm (and it's prett6y big...left side above, right side below the elbow).

Wait, you seriously got a waveform tattooed on you? How could you or anyone else possibly tell it was "The River Dragon has Come" though, for all anyone else knows it could be from an ABBA song (if it was brickwalled :D) It's a cool idea, don't get me wrong, I just feel like specifying that it's a particular song is kinda silly considering how indistinct waveforms look :D
Yes, I am the whitest guy ever. In winter my skin becomes so pale it can actually reflect light, making me almost totally invisible. All you'd see is hair, pubes and a cock n' balls robbing a bank.

So if you ever robbed a bank you're planning on doing it stark naked? :lol:
Wait, you seriously got a waveform tattooed on you? How could you or anyone else possibly tell it was "The River Dragon has Come" though, for all anyone else knows it could be from an ABBA song (if it was brickwalled :D) It's a cool idea, don't get me wrong, I just feel like specifying that it's a particular song is kinda silly considering how indistinct waveforms look :D

Actually, the fact that nobody will be able to tell makes it that awesome in the first place IMHO.
Wait, you seriously got a waveform tattooed on you? How could you or anyone else possibly tell it was "The River Dragon has Come" though, for all anyone else knows it could be from an ABBA song (if it was brickwalled :D) It's a cool idea, don't get me wrong, I just feel like specifying that it's a particular song is kinda silly considering how indistinct waveforms look :D

yeah, I just wanted it to be a song I liked, of course you can't really tell it's Nevermore just by looking at it ;)

I zoomed in and took a screenshot, so it's not only a black brickwalled block ;)