I'll do my best to learn that riff ;)
cool sounds Ermz!
does anyone know where I can get a rackmount kit? or beeter even a headshell? preferably in europe? the combo looks hideous ;)
As long as you don't make it sound like Lamb of God... :erk:

haha, why do you guys think it's so bad?
I mean, it's not my favorite either, but my fav tones are usually 5150 and/or recto and I don't see much sense in trying to make the mk4 sound like a recto...I'm actually going for different still cool tones...LoG might be a good starting point
To be honest I dig a lot about LoG which makes me weird to a lot of people, but it's cool to hear some really heavy metal with some good riffs, that has a very different tone.
Too bad Randy Blythe has to fuck it all up by being alive.

I would really like that band if they had pretty much anyone else doing vocals.
Hm.. You may call me a strange guy, but I was masturbating on Mark IV and actualy ordered it on Ebay some half a year ago. It was the earlier series one. Well.. I must say I had a GREAT disapointment! I tried recording it in my studio, I was able to get a good clean tones out of it, crunch channel was that bitch I did not get at all, the lead channel actualy was that crunch had to be. It gave some "metallica" sounding stuff very tight and accurate control but there always was that "boxy" bottom I could not get rid of. It is definetly NOT a high gain amp, but every time I tried it on production I've finished with 5150 or recto after comparison so I selled it. And I don't even like those Lamb of God and Petrucci tones much to be honest.
Too bad Randy Blythe has to fuck it all up by being alive.

I would really like that band if they had pretty much anyone else doing vocals.
Without Randy probably they should be a normal band. It's a great fucking singer expecially in a live show and he has an unique voice.
I wanna change 1000 times willie or chris (expecially after their last live performance I've seen) instead of Randy
I actually like some of LOG's tones. They definitely have their own thing going on. A lot of people seem to slag them off, though.

Congrats on the amp, Lasse. Do you know what version/year it is?

53Crëw;8424455 said:
I actually like some of LOG's tones. They definitely have their own thing going on. A lot of people seem to slag them off, though.

Congrats on the amp, Lasse. Do you know what version/year it is?


no idea yet...think it is serial number 54xx
no idea yet...think it is serial number 54xx

I think that might be a Rev A, then. If one of the preamp tubes is a 12AT7, then that would confirm this. (Rev B uses all 12AX7's)

Have there been different revisions of the Mark IV like with the Rectifiers?

Not as many as the Recto... But Rev A was made up until around '94 iirc, and everything after that was the Rev B circuit.

Rev B increased the gain on channel 2, and had a revised driver circuit for the reverb using a 12AX7 instead of a 12AT7. I also seem to remember someone telling me that channel three was made a little darker sounding on the Rev B's, but not sure how reliable that source was. I think the main changes were to channel 2 and the reverb.

yep, it's got a 12at7 in v4....well, it had..I put a 12ax7 in there and it worked fine also. (one of the triodes is used for the reverb and one as a gain stage for the lead channel, so I thought with a 12axt I could get a little thicker gain.)

I'll do some more direct comparisons with the 12at7 vs 12ax7 tomorrow. thanks for the info.
got any more? I always like to learn more about my amps
It is definetly NOT a high gain amp

Has the definition of "high gain" changed that much that the Mark IV is no longer a high gain amp? By that definition, a Recto isn't either. Apparently I'm out of the loop.

Also, LOG seems rather atypical for Mark-series tones to my ears. Too thin and bright.

My personal preference from gigging with an "A" version Mark IV for several years is Fat pulled, Presence pushed, FWIW. Girthier tones. Tweed mode with the master turned way up is nice for leads, IMO, though useless for heavy rhythms.