i find the 2x12 to be a little tighter and clearer personally & preferred it over the 4x12
talking about the horizontal 2x12 tho, the vertical one is designed a little different
thats exactly why i play on a 2x12(with a 5150 with only 2 power tubes in it) thou i have a 4x12.tighter,clearer, more defined, and i dont need that "ooomph" of a 4x12 that people seem to enjoy.
i played on a mesa rectifier 2x12 (140W with v30's rated at 70W) and was incredible experienceill buy one very soon , if not the orange ppc 2x12.
Is the traditional mesa cab bigger than other normal 4x12 like your orange?
Also, do you feel like the oversized mesa cab is harder to record, harder to get tight mids and lows out of it?
On this forum this cab seems appreciated but on some other recording forum people seem to prefer the traditional one, apparently it would sit better in the mix and have better midrange and tighter lows.
BTW, pretty cool cab, the orange with black tolex is a first for me!
And Tomir, I was wondering, does the Orange 4x12 come with casters?
Thanks for the input, I remember trying a dual through a mesa cab at the store once and I enjoyed the sound but I can't remember if it was a standard or traditional cab.Well, there are both good and bad sides about both of the cabs, but I do prefer the Mesa cab, because it sounds more neutral and "bigger".
It isn't necessarily the "tightest" cab around, but I don't personally go for a super tight guitar tone anyways. I do use 7-strings a lot, so I still need to have lows that stay focused, and the Mesa cab can do that just fine.
For me personally, the Mesa Standard cab is focused on the frequencies that I personally like in my guitar tone. I am more of an low mid kinda guy, but no, I do not scoop my mids! I go for a Nevermore'ish guitar tone. Modern, massive and mean!
The Orange cab has more upper mid bite and tighter, more transparent lows. I don't personally like the way it sounds with my Recto, but it sounds pretty good with my Invader.
But in the end, it has a lot to do with the amp itself and personal preferences. The Mesa cab is great, because it has sounded killer with all the amps I have used with it (Mesa Triple, Mesa Dual, ENGL Invader, Peavey 6505, 6505+)