Hammer Bart
A Swiss scene if ever I saw one
I like totally heart wood finishes by the way, they are sooo the rocks.

I like totally heart wood finishes by the way, they are sooo the rocks.
djairouks said:first of you calculated wrong on xe.com
xe.com Universal Currency Converter ® Results
Live mid-market rates as of 2006.02.06 16:18:29 UTC.
3,000.00 CHF
Switzerland Francs = 2,307.98 USD
United States Dollars
1 CHF = 0.769327 USD 1 USD = 1.29984 CHF
and then here in switzerland the prices of guitars from the us are awfully
high for example my kh2 that i had before cost around 5000chf which makes
3800 usd and the kh 2 was not as good as my handmade guitar
i had also a washburn custom made and still not as good so i don't care
for my hand this is the best
believe me i know it's a matter of taste in sound and neck profile so this one
was made for my hand can't be better