Meshuggah - Chaosphere tone


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
One thing I've never been able to get even close to is the guitar tone that Meshuggah pulled on Chaosphere. It's always bugged me, because that is one of the dryest, most mechanical, industrial sounding rhythm guitar tones I've ever heard and I've never heard something like that replicated with a simple guitar > amp setup.

I know the guys in Meshuggah used to have pretty ridiculous racks of gear, but does anybody know what the main elements are that went into creating that sort of dry, lifeless, crushing rhythm sound?

I know now that the guys use Line 6 gear, which sounds like complete ass, so that's not what I'm after at all.
Does anyone know for sure if they used POD's on Catch 33? That's what I heard, but I can't be too sure sometimes.

Yeah I can certainly see the reason in that. It's gonna take a bit of pride and ego swallowing to drop the whole 'V30 > all speakers' mentality and give the 1960 cab a shot. Thing is that I recorded one a while back, using both Powerball and JCM 800 heads. For rhythm sounds the speaker had that typical DHIADW voicing with that sort of harsh mid-range.

It is pretty evident though, that aspect is a big part of the Chaosphere sound. It's a speaker that sounds very dry and harsh, lacking a rich midrange voicing.
Moonlapse said:
Alright then, I guess it's settled. Next paycheck and I'm buying a rectifier. Cheers ;)

Don't think you'll be hitting anywhere near that tone with just a Recto though. A big part of their sound is the way they're slamming the front end with their TCE pedals.
Genius Gone Insane said:
What cabs did they use?
None. Vetta's went straight thru F.O.H. and stage monitors. Those two 7'-8' tall backdrops on each side of the stage hide nothing but their road cases with their rigs in them.
Kenny Lee said:
On this last tour each Marten and Fredrik had 2 Vetta II's in their racks and that was it! Well, oops three ... one was a spare. Remember they're playin' 8-stringers too.

D.E.I. similar tone using Pod XT Pro, Pod right side D'oh :)

Your exactly right i asked them myself when i met them in St. Louis, and they use Veta II's and they have a really cool way to switch panning of the rythm guitar will a solo is being played