One thing I've never been able to get even close to is the guitar tone that Meshuggah pulled on Chaosphere. It's always bugged me, because that is one of the dryest, most mechanical, industrial sounding rhythm guitar tones I've ever heard and I've never heard something like that replicated with a simple guitar > amp setup.
I know the guys in Meshuggah used to have pretty ridiculous racks of gear, but does anybody know what the main elements are that went into creating that sort of dry, lifeless, crushing rhythm sound?
I know now that the guys use Line 6 gear, which sounds like complete ass, so that's not what I'm after at all.
I know the guys in Meshuggah used to have pretty ridiculous racks of gear, but does anybody know what the main elements are that went into creating that sort of dry, lifeless, crushing rhythm sound?
I know now that the guys use Line 6 gear, which sounds like complete ass, so that's not what I'm after at all.