Meshuggah "Nothing" Remix Samples!

Here's a recent interview talking a bit about the remake and also about new stuff in the works.

hehe.. what I said earlier is mentioned...
Musicscan: What do you remember best about the original recording sessions, and what was it like to re-work it now?

Meshuggah: I remember the total chaos of trying to piece the whole thing together in time. We were exhausted and were staying up for days just to be able to get it finished so we were all constantly ready to fall asleep while trying to mix the album. Fredrik actually fell asleep standing up TWICE during the mastering. Re-working it was not as chaotic. More inspiring.

lol.. madness
How about getting the feel for the album instead of being critical fucking boffs, this fucking board gets right on my tits sometimes. More concerned with how a snare sounds than the actual musical content. I like the original, if you dont like that, fuck off, don't try to make ME look stupid in the process, especially you " metal kingdom " and " benny h " .
I was only concerned with this
Just remember, the members of meshuggah were present when mixing the album. Not when " re " mixing, keep that in mind. I'd rather listen to what they envisioned and not what nuclear blast envisioned.

Sorry to piss you off, but it "gets on my tits" when someone tells people to "just remember" and "keep in mind" their own wrong assumptions.

About the original mix.. you're not alone in liking it, it seems most people didn't have any issue, and I don't care. But to me I just could never really get a feel for it.. not that I didn't try.. like I said they're my favorite band. It's been a dissapointment that I haven't been able to fully enjoy it, as the music is something else.

I haven't made it a point to be critical, and if I focus on different elements there's nothing that's a big turn off far as the individual sounds (taste wise). I've only figured it's a sub-concious 'turn off' or 'tune out' effect of fatigue or too much ugly frequencies. It's just been painful in a way.

Anyway, obviously for me it's awesome that they've re-done it(i'm loving the SPAR sample..keep replaying it.. the sort of thing I've never done before with Nothing stuff). And it shouldn't bother anyone in the other boat, cause you all can just keep listening to the original.
Nothing wasn't a bad sounding cd. But it did cause some major ear fatigue after awhile.

I'm glad their re-releasing it. Its definetly one of my favorite Meshuggah albums. Should be cool to have the dvd cause I've never seen em live.
ConspiracyBass said:
Nothing wasn't a bad sounding cd. But it did cause some major ear fatigue after awhile.

And the award for Most Contradictory Statement goes to....

ConspiracyBass said:
Should be cool to have the dvd cause I've never seen em live.

Yeah, seems like every time they tour around here, they are opening up for Tool or some shit.:lol: I will not pay a $100 to see (From the back of an arena) Meshuggah open up for Tool! They need a big worldwide tour, DAMNIT!!:heh:
metalkingdom said:
And the award for Most Contradictory Statement goes to....


Haha. I should have said, "If you listen to 2 or 3 tracks the cd doesn't seem to sound that bad, but after about the fifth song and that crispy ass china kicks in for the millionth time, your ears need a break.".

Eh, fuck it. I like the album, I never had any beefs with the production. Admittedly I don't have the best ears, but it sounded peachy to me.

The production got their point across, it wasn't, for example, At the Gates' earlier records. Brilliant song writing, unlistenable horrid production.

Actually, now that I think about it: Soilwork's earlier stuff was rough, In Flames records have always been a bit harsh, Opeth's stuff has been all over the board, Meshuggah's production has always been very "interesting," Amon Amarth (till With Oden on our Side) has always had questionable production... none of my favorite records have what would be considered "perfect" production. Even though we're on a music-production forum, I try not to tear apart my favorite records because I would, honestly, lose track of all the things I'd change. For a casual guy such as myself, sometimes ya' just have to listen to the tune and forget about the technical stuff I suppose. I don't know how the rest of you guys are...