What do ya mean, strange? Let me understand this cause, I don't know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm strange how? Strange how? I mean, strange like I'm a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? How da fuck am I strange? What da fuck is so strange about me? Tell me. Tell me what's strange.
"You're right, Marge. Just like the time I could have met Mr. T at the mall. The entire day, I kept saying, 'I'll go a little later, I'll go a little later...' And when I got there, they told me he just left. And when I asked the mall guy if he'll ever come back again, he said he didn't know."
Ha ha you just reminded me of the time Mr T was going to appear at the Empire theatre in Liverpool and I heard these two kids talking about him on the top of the 19 ( I used to sit on the top deck in those days) and I heard one say to the other :"Mr T is on here soon".His mate said "Is he yeah?" and the first kid says"Yeah la I'm gonna have him off for all his chains and tha'".