Metal 2013


A New Shrinebuilder would be fucking hell-sent. Yob would be cool too, but id much rather hear a new Shrinebuilder album.

Shrinebuilder finished writing their second album in 2010 or something. Havent heard anything about it since then.
new Violator coming ...

Just heard Satan and Pentagram (Chile) are recording new albums as well.

...And don't forget the new Autopsy! This year is shaping up to be great.
Kongh - Sole Creation
Release Date: February 5th, 2013


Been waiting for this album for a fucking eternity. Not really feeling the goofy artwork though. I guess their King Kong related merchandise sold well.
A Divine Eve fullength would be nice, but who the hell knows.

A friend of the band told me at a Divine Eve show in August that they were in studio, so that's why I've been on the lookout week-by-week, but I haven't seen any news since, though they said "news coming soon" or something in September on the FB page.