Metal 2015

Yeah, it was pretty good. Better than Iconoclast that's for sure. Not as cheesy as their older stuff, but at the same time lacking the epic feeling that made V or DWOT great. I'd say it's a transition album to a new sound for them. No epic 24 minute prog songs. I have to listen multiple times to really make a judgement on a SX album though. Will listen again soon.

Gotcha, well that's good. I enjoyed Iconoclast but I was never a fan of that whole.. 'mechanical' vibe they had going on. Idk how to describe it but they were better when they were more fantasy oriented.
That Nile track sounds baller. That band just maintains being awesome.

New Iron Maiden track released. Sounds like the last few albums but that isn't a bad thing.
I just got the new Nile. I have a long car ride later and will listen to it then and come back with initial thoughts.

But in the meantime, we should probably be discussing the new Cattle Decapitation album. Not sure if it was written by humans...
I just got the new Nile. I have a long car ride later and will listen to it then and come back with initial thoughts.

But in the meantime, we should probably be discussing the new Cattle Decapitation album. Not sure if it was written by humans...

Got the new Cattle Decapitation in the mail yesterday..its fucking awesome.
Just listened to Manufactured Extinct, remembering exactly why I lost interest in this band way back.
Cleanly produced Progressive Deathgrind with weird clean vocals? I haven't smoked enough weed for this to not sound stupid in my ears, hahaha.

I'll stick to Human Jerky and Homovore I guess.
I'll have to check them out. Never gave them a chance, think I always just heard/assumed they were shitty.

I've always been a fan of them from the start, but they really progressed pretty well since Nocturnal which is my favorite album by them.
Because death metal doesn't ever have breakdowns?

I will say CD's last two albums are okay. Not really my thing at all.....

Deathcore has it much more and you know it, I don't think I even like any Death Metal bands that do breakdowns...
The "cleans" in the CD record are definitely strange. The album as a whole is a beast. I love the production.

The new Nile is as you'd expect - evil, raw and fantastic.

Have any prog fans heard the new Royal Hunt? I am so disappointed. DC Cooper is one of my favorite vocalists ever, and he still sounds great but he's just not doing anything interesting on this record. Maybe it'll grow on me.