Metal 2015

It's fucking awesome, as is Sulphur Aeon. I can't decide...I think I may like the SA debut Swallowed by the Ocean's Tide more than Gateway... although the latter is a sick fucking album. I think it's not a stretch to say that after only two records the band has established itself as a dominant force in death metal. I'd like to say they're at least the best German death metal band, but Alkaloid hails from Germany too! I love so many things about both bands; with Alkaloid it's not just the supreme musicianship but also the ballsy, insanely progressive songwriting. WIth SA it's the way the themes of water and air play such an important role in their sound and lyrics, the subtle echo effects on the vocals, the monstrous riffs...I could go on. SA is probably my favorite band currently. Each day I'm liking them more and more for AOTY...but that Alkaloid record...damn.
New Obscura album coming soon...maybe you guys knew but I just read it.

im kind of worried since everyone outside of Kummerer is gone. And they all played such a key role in their sound. Well, thanks to them at least we got two of the greatest tech-death albums of all time along with a few other bands that somewhat carry their sound and are monsters in their own right, but still pale in comparison to their work with Obscura.

Im really curious as to what their new album is going to sound like, because one thing im almost sure of is that they wont sound like Obscura anymore .. or i guess old Obscura, if we can call it that.
Cool! I like what those guys do.

I listened to the new Drudkh on a long drive last night. It's good..a bit more streamlined than previous stuff but quite dark with interesting riffing and some weird atmospheric stuff.
There's a new Exmortus song called For the Horde, and it's decent. Nowhere near as energetic as their last album though, and the vocals sound different somehow. Still not bad.

Glorious beer, denim and leather Metalpunk from the U.S.
This album fucking rules.

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Last two weren't bad at all, especially Christ Illusion. The tracks i've heard on youtube are up their with some of the worst shit they have ever written (Diabolus, GHUA). And the consensus on the album is that it fuckin' stinks and is indeed their worst album since GHUA. Also, no Jeff. No Jeff, no Slayer.

While their last two album are nothing special, how in the world can a Slayer fan say those albums are bad? It seems that every other band that sticks to their tried and tested signature sound are true as fuck ... but nooooo, not when it comes to Slayer("the same old shit, recycled riffs" etc). Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. The last two albums where pretty much a return to their sound after releasing those two steaming piles of shits in 98 and 01, and everything i've heard from Repentless sound like they're leftover tracks from those two.