Metal and.. WORKING OUT??

Long story short, I feel compelled to get biking again. 5 miles per day and I'll work up from there.

I'm relying on metal to fuel me. I prefer something aggressive, but also something emotional because biking is a great way to reflect on emotions and things, and this is cool because I bike when the sun goes down, so when I'm flying down a hill of a road and an emotional part is playing, I like to stand and embrace the feeling of flying..

Enough of my manly talk!

Do you guys work out? Do you guys jam to metal whilst doing so? What gets you PUMPED?

These guys do it for me, every time.

The lengths of their songs are a great way to make the time pass faster.

Another alternative when I'm feeling particularly manly and speculative...

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usually this band

or this band

I work out so much harder when I listen to these guys over anyone else
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I was riding 10km a day or more for 6 months straight but my right knee started to give me hell so I went down to 6km every few days which really isnt enough. Any fast record will do it, At the Gates or some old Fear Factory were recent jams.
Pantera or Cannibal Corpse, the Live Cannibalism CD, pushes me really hard.
At the moment I listen to Sick Of It All and Madball very often, gets me into
a good mood for working out, but I don't have the time to work out.
Gonna start again in 2-3 weeks.
Anything off the new Unearth album is like steroids to me at the gym. Also as much as I disliked their previous stuff, the new Emmure album pumps me up so well.
I have noticed that listening to slow songs make me walk slower and vice versa. I don't know why.. maybe it's just me? Usually I listen to something with a very deep bass. Gives me more power I guess :D
I have noticed that listening to slow songs make me walk slower and vice versa. I don't know why.. maybe it's just me? Usually I listen to something with a very deep bass. Gives me more power I guess :D

The tempo of a song definitely affects the speed at which I go.
When I'm listening to technical death metal, I get far quick. :D
But with the slower stuff like the second video I posted, I get to coast a lot and enjoy the wind and night sky.
Tool and Neurosis both work great due to the repetition. I've really liked Adam D's Times of Grace lately as well.

More often than not I just put the whole iTunes library on shuffle and go.

This helps to rediscover older releases that you may not cue up that often anymore and had forgotten how BA they were.

A few of those lately have been:

Earth Crisis - Slither

Vision of Disorder - self title
When I run a 5K I start BTBAM's "Colors" at Ants of the Sky and go from there. If I finish the run a few minutes into "White Walls" , then I know I'm finishing decently!
I hate Emmure but do listen to them at the gym from time to time. Other than that, I find some Whitechapel/Impending Doom type stuff pumps me up. I'll sometimes just load up a Pandora station and let it play. I work out at a hospital/rehab type facility so anything is better than the family friendly stuff they typically play.