Metal Archives - Still Life

Blopeth, lol. Every so often I read UltraBoris's reviews for a laugh.

i had a laugh at blowpeth too.
My brother often tries to stir me up by calling them slowpeth.
but never really works.

Also lols @ this

sounding like bad Arch Enemy riffs, being played by a guitarist who has been shot in the ass by a tranquiliser dart
Yeah that guy attracted my attention before too, read his other reviews.. He is a retard not to be taken seriously, his understanding of metal is limited to riffs being played over 200 bps
That's what i wanted to read hahahaaaa

"if it's not like Archenemy, Black Sabbath and Bruce dickinson, than it's not Good metal"

OMG, I think my conception of metal has been severaly damaged and dramatically changed...
Boris just didnt get it. Its hard to blame him, many people share the same opinion. Its pretty hard to decipher Opeths riffs and make sense of them in the context of a whole song and understand the structure of building tension and resolving it.