Metal Bands That Suck...8-]]

Ali Cryptica

friendly goth
Oct 5, 2016
Planet Jupiter
I realize this has probably already been done, but, my curiosity got the best of me....The metal bands that I think suck the most is: Cannibal Corpse, Tourniquet and My Dying Bride...Dislike CC the most cause all their albums sound the same and it sounds like they aren't really singing, they just scream..Anyhow, your thoughts/opinions please...Thanks!!!! 8-]]
I don't really like Cannibal Corpse but you're definitely missing the point if you think that they're trying to sing rather than use the vocal style on their albums.
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Korn, Slipknot, Trivium, Whitechapel, Bear Tooth, Triptykon, Black Veil Brides, Panopticon, Cannibal Corpse, Suicide Silence, Suicidal Tendencies, Children of Bodom, Amon Amarth, crap like that.
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Suicide Silence.

This band is probably the worst metal band I've ever heard.

Wow---So, they are using this vocal style on purpose maybe to sell records (cannibal corpse)?? @ Elric.....I really like White Chapel, but, am not a huge fan of the others..@H.P. Lovecraft....8-]]

Are you a troll or did you just discover metal yesterday? There are 1000s of bands with the same vocal style as Cannibal Corpse. Many of them are much better, though.

I mean White Chapel have similar vocals, just less guttural so I don't even know what you're talking about.
I agree: Suicide Silence is not that great, I got like one of their albums cause I was curious how they sounded...I will probably end up giving it to my cousin...8-]]
Nope, not leaving...I called it singing because I didn't know what else to call it at the time...I made this thread with a severe migraine and thought I did okay at wording things.....So, I apologize for ruffling anybody's feather's....8-S