Metal-bass plugins (and guitar cranking)

FINALLY...I have to quote for my signature! :lol:
compressor, eq and possibly a distortion, thats it. no impulses or what so ever. I bet you can find atleast one free plugin of all those type plugins.
You had to ruin it, didn't you? I mean couldn't just have posted something humorous and unrelated like everybody else?
As much as I am spitting a mixture of Cola and cake all over my work keyboard and loving it...

You should try compressing the DI, running it as a centre mono channel, then run an aux alongside cutting everything below 250-500hz (you judge) and run that through the NoAmp Sansampsim

I lol'd. And now am probably going to hell for it.

But still lol'ing.
You have to turn you guitar ALL the way up.

A little known secret the big guns use(but DO NOT want you to know about).

You know how you turn you volume knob all the way up and it stops turning?
Thats just to stop all the noobs from getting teh god toanz.
Really CRANK that sucker, even if you need to use vice grips.

After you have done this, you will have succeeded in cranking.
try the bass idea put forward earlier, try one of the free ampsimps from the ampsim thread (solo_C sounds amazing)

play around with the settings

we need more info to be able to help really... (gear your using, etc)
Bass CAN be tricky, but not always is. Like any thing else. In between most of the funny there were some good tips. Another thing about bass is lots of people have different ways of doing it, and every one of those people have ten more behind them who do it differently, and say that guy is totally wrong. From what I have read the most common way of recording bass is layering a mic'ed, and a D.I. recording, and keeping the pans centered. What I have found to work the best is doing what you can to simulate that basic process as much as you can.

For example here is what I do: I'm quoting a post of mine post from another board to save time.

"LeCab loaded with two of the same IR. Each panned 100%. Then an EQ with both a low, and high pass to really single out the deep tone I need. There is also a notch in there too to remove the boomyness. This pushes the Low end out, but behind the guitar. Then everything else that defines the bass it's self is centered, and high passed to remove redundancy. This makes it sound like the bass is centered, but feel like it's occupying the same space as the guitar. Giving a good rich layered sound."

I use Recabinet for my IR's, and the amps are the BA-500 in Amplitube X-Gear For the low end. The high end I run through TSE X30 to add some dirt to it. So in effect The low end track is my mic'ed cab, and my high end track is my D.I.. Not exactly the same, but like I said lots of people have different ways. Start with the basic, and go from there to get what you need. Experimentation is quintessential. Compression is also important, but why, when, and where is for you to decide. Controlling, and manipulating transients is a post all, an in of it's self.

Ching chong potoato :notworthy priceless, and cranking your guitar, is kind of a no brainer.
how many stupid in this instead of laugh.......
I agree...I havent ran into this kind of crucifing in any other foreign forums. Finnish forums are like that. Its intereting, because here, and many other non-finnish forums, finns are actually almost most helpful people...

Anyway, Im using my brothers bass, and I dont have any other equipment for that. Its some cheap yamaha.Guitars I used to record with gt8 and/or old Marshall valvestate. Guitar itself is own-made, with sd blackout pickups. I want to clarify, that Im not completely noobie, and you can check my songs at if you like.

Once again Im sorry that I dont understand everything about recording, mixing nor mastering. If you dont know what Im after, forget it, if you do and ur just f*cking with me, go fuck yourself. Many thanks for guys who even tried.
It's kinda fucked that we're making fun of this guy simply because of a language barrier issue...

I mean, IDK.

Fuck it.

EDIT: To the OP, for bass, I usually do two things... record the DI of the bass and in the mix, I'll throw on a traditional bass-amp sim. Whether it be POD Farm, Ampeg SVX, Studio Devil, etc. Basically, I'm trying to get a solid low-end and the sound of a bass rig at fairly high level. Not entirely pristine sounding, but not dirty as hell. This comes next...

Duplicate the the CLEAN, RAW BASS DI track and stick, say, any of the MANY freeware amp simp plugs on it. TSE X30 ENGL sim is pretty awesome for this as of late for me.... insert that w/ any impulse your heart desires, in this instance, let's say we're using one of the Catharsis Impulses. HP/LP this track pretty extreme.

Now, while listening to both your 'bass rig' track and 'distortion' track, adjust the settings on the distortion track to get the amount of grit or type of character you want.. mess with mids, highs, gain, etc. This may involve for LP to get rid of the real nasty shit.

Next, send these two to a BUS and EQ and compress them together so they're holding the song together and not stepping on the kick or guitars too much. Fairly extreme limiting helps here as well, AFTER your compression. I <3 the Tubetech plug for bass but it's rather pricey... anything will do, though.

Hope it helps, bro!
Sorry about that...Im hungry, and I have huge headache. So kisses and hugs for all...keep on good work guys :*