Metal-bass plugins (and guitar cranking)

Thanks Sigmund. Many thanks. This is my first (completely) plugin project, and this is what I have at the moment. I think I want kind of original symphony of destruction bass sound, with more bottom and attack:

There is guitar rig for bass, and Nick Crow's Wagner Sharp for guitars (catharsis impulse for lead and guitarhack for rythm). There is also TSS and some reverb. I use iZotope Ozone for mastering.
Great sample by the way. I think I see what you mean by cranked now. For your bass track try bringing the dB up a little I think it's a little hidden in the mix. If raising the level any more on the bass track mucks things up then it might be time to EQ, and then compress the bus. As far as the guitar goes. I think your sound is fine, but I get that crunchy, smashed, strong sound your going for. To be honest I have never been great at reproducing someone elses sound. So, I cant give you the best advice there. Any advice I could give you there might be totally wrong.