Metal Campers just goto Ragnarok

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I'll buy in Jan.

I know I can do it if I sacrifice getting drunk and buying a bunch of CD's on redstream...

which I just did.

I can usually squeeze out anything... like HC2, that was total last minute. I went to Venom and Death Angel in Sf with purchasing my travel 2 days in advance.

Somehow, I always manage to pull these things outta my ass.
I can usually squeeze out anything... like HC2, that was total last minute. I went to Venom and Death Angel in Sf with purchasing my travel 2 days in advance.

Somehow, I always manage to pull these things outta my ass.

I couldn't care less if you prance around shirtless in the middle of winter, or much like Doden's, what any one ever says about you.

I'll say it, you're the fucking man! :kickass:
Ok, if I can pull everything off for a reasonable amount of money, I could possibly commit to this thing in like late January or February. I simply don't have the money right now to start planning it yet. It would definitely be a blast though.

I also knew the "Metal Camp is out" announcement wouldn't wait until the New Year. :lol:

Zod - let's face it, unless things turn around dramatically, 2009 will simply work better for Metal Camp. You and I are the only ones left - we won't have a large contingent as it stands even if the lineup changes course.

Actually, the more I think about it, the cooler the idea because with this thing in March and Wacken in late July, it could be financially feasible to do both. Hmmm..... ;)
As long as the airfare doesn't unreasonably spike (and March is a superb time to get great deals to Germany among other Euro countries), this is becoming a greater possibility by the minute.

Lichtenfels is in Eastern Germany (more Southeast than anywhere else). And the closest major city appears to be Munich (not to mention....ahem...Prague, Czech Republic).
Up to date current lineup:

Negura Bunget
Killing Spree
Sear Bliss

Wow - a lot to check out from that list. The descriptions of Sear Bliss and Trimonium intrigue me greatly.

The only band I know I wouldn't like is Haggard as I listened to them prior to Wacken this year and wasn't impressed.

Definitely an HC Euro-style vibe going on there.
Thats a nuts lineup.

I love Arkona. Love Agalloch. Love Negura. And Skyforger kicked my ass hard at HC2. Considering I went to HC2 on the love of 3 bands............
I'd be stoked to see Negura Bunget, Unleashed and Agalloch right now, but there's tons of stuff to check out on that list for sure that I've never heard. Menhir are pretty cool as well.

I'm still stunned that Svartsot is in that lineup (when I posted about them last night, I had no idea they were even playing shows). Looks like we may get to enjoy them in the proper fashion after all if we end up going. :)

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