Metal Campers just goto Ragnarok

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As long as the airfare doesn't unreasonably spike (and March is a superb time to get great deals to Germany among other Euro countries), this is becoming a greater possibility by the minute.

Lichtenfels is in Eastern Germany (more Southeast than anywhere else). And the closest major city appears to be Munich (not to mention....ahem...Prague, Czech Republic).

Closest airport would be Frankfurt or Munich. It is about 3 hours by train from Frankfurt or Munich to Lichtenfels. I just find Frankfurt to be a better choice than Munich when flying to Germany.

It is a good Fest. I was there in 2006 for one of the days. I was working the Primordial/Moonsorrow tour and that was one of the stops on the tour. It was very disorganized from a behind the scenes standpoint. Most of our crew ended up doing stuff for the Fest to make it run smoother. But the venue and everything else was real good. There were over 2000 people there in 2006. I was going to go this year but had to cancel at the last minute. Definitely thinking about going in 2008. So far I like the lineup for 2008. Ivo, the organizer, does a good job.

I will be at this Fest in 2 weeks. Ultima Ratio Fest.
Minas Morgul

Pretty good lineup wouldn't you say?
Kupshizzle - You must join the gathering of wolves. :kickass:

I am thinking about it. I get back from 2 months in Thailand on the 15th of March and so hopefully I will still have enough cash left over for a flight to Germany. Looks like a flight for me would be about $700.

I am also going to the Arnhem Metal Meeting on Dec 1 in The Netherlands and that flight is only $520!
Closest airport would be Frankfurt or Munich. It is about 3 hours by train from Frankfurt or Munich to Lichtenfels. I just find Frankfurt to be a better choice than Munich when flying to Germany.

Yeah, I corrected myself two posts above, but just love Munich so much more. :kickass:

kupshi said:
It is a good Fest. I was there in 2006 for one of the days. I was working the Primordial/Moonsorrow tour and that was one of the stops on the tour. It was very disorganized from a behind the scenes standpoint. Most of our crew ended up doing stuff for the Fest to make it run smoother. But the venue and everything else was real good. There were over 2000 people there in 2006. I was going to go this year but had to cancel at the last minute. Definitely thinking about going in 2008. So far I like the lineup for 2008. Ivo, the organizer, does a good job.

Great info, thanks. It would be awesome to hang out if the stars align properly.

kupshi said:
I will be at this Fest in 2 weeks. Ultima Ratio Fest.
Minas Morgul

Pretty good lineup wouldn't you say?

Indeed I would.
Up to date current lineup:

Negura Bunget
Killing Spree
Sear Bliss

:kickass: 6-11 bands remain. If one of them is Primordial or Mael Mordha

Ali, Can you sticky this thread mate?
I really want to go as well. If Primordial get booked, well, then there is probably no going back. Airfare is only $300 to Nürnberg as well...
Check out Sworn. I made a thread about them ages ago which got a grand total of 1 replies, but I really like the stuff on their MySpace page and have been meaning to pick up their album. Not very original at all but good stuff.
I had a thread on this fest already but no one paid any attention to this.

I have been talking to my friend Kris( coordinator of Heathen Crusade fest). He was telling me Frankfurt is the best airport to fly in and then it is a really easy train ride to Lichtenfels.

Oh, he has already replied in this thread.

If you go to the fest myspace site, you obviously see it is all in German but if you go to their fest website, you can read all about it in English.

I know I am doing 4 shifts of OT from now till end of year as I have an early very good plan to attend the fest.

Agalloch & Negura Bunget.

well by all scientific & non-scientific logic, if the remaining bands stay at this A-grade caliber, this is going to shit all over Wacken already. In fact, if they do get Primordial, the contest is over.

I am glad someone agrees with me. I try bringing this topic up on some threads and I feel like Frankenstein must have felt when the townspeople came at him with fire and pitchforks. :erk:
Zod - let's face it, unless things turn around dramatically, 2009 will simply work better for Metal Camp. You and I are the only ones left - we won't have a large contingent as it stands even if the lineup changes course.
Quite honestly, I never thought we'd end up with a large contingent. In the end, real life issues get in the way of such things usually coming together.

Actually, the more I think about it, the cooler the idea because with this thing in March and Wacken in late July, it could be financially feasible to do both. Hmmm..... ;)
As I said to you earlier, don't worry at all about Metal Camp '08. If I want to go, I'll still go. I already have three people, outside this circle, who are committed to going.

Ragnarok isn't an option for me. For starters, it falls in the second half of my school semester (when the work load is most intense). Regardless, the line-up is complete ass. Far worse than Metal Camp.

Quite honestly, I never thought we'd end up with a large contingent. In the end, real life issues get in the way of such things usually coming together.

I actually did - I won't make that mistake for a Euro fest again.

GZ said:
As I said to you earlier, don't worry at all about Metal Camp '08. If I want to go, I'll still go. I already have three people, outside this circle, who are committed to going.

As I also indicated earlier - it's hard to envision a scenario where you go to Metal Camp in '08 and I don't. Despite all this fanfare, I'm still waiting until roughly January to completely decide.

GZ said:
Ragnarok isn't an option for me. For starters, it falls in the second half of my school semester (when the work load is most intense).

Good to know.

GZ said:
Regardless, the line-up is complete ass. Far worse than Metal Camp.

Respectfully disagree - but it's not of the "OMFG, I gotta go" variety for me either. That said, if Metal Camp is out and an RC contingent actually does go to this thing then it's a cool possibility.

of course :loco: ... i get tired watching a show for a few hours straight let alone a 3 day fest ... metal camp would be a possibility (as I can sunbathe to Black Metal) ... also i will be in Eastern Europe around that time next summer
At this point I'm all about Ragnarok. I'm sure nobody will make any big purchases (flights, hotel, etc) for either fest until late dec or in Jan (or later), that leaves some time for Metal Camp to get their act together.

what are the contingents looking like for Ragnarok and Metal Camp at this point?
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