metal for thought


There is a rain falling
Feb 24, 2002
Canterbury, UK
Gday fellow Metal followers. Just a quick question or 2, where abouts do all you live around the world, and how strong are the Metal veins in your area/town/state?
I live in Adelaide, and there is a fairly strong call for metal in this state, not enough though. Not many bands have made it out of Adelaide, let alone Aus itself.

I live in Prince Edward Island, Canada! I know, I know...none of you have heard of it right? Anyways, here everybody are closed minded little fuckers that think Heavy Metal is for losers while they listen to pop shit! There are only about 20 real Metalheads here and we all know each other and we're all like brothers and sisters! We would do anything for each other!
I live in the south east of England (UK) in a shit little town where there's about 4 metalheads, and the only bands that ever came here were Vader and Dew-Scented.

It sucks here! lol. I have to go to London for real metal, about 60 miles away!
I live in Ottawa Canada the pit of HIPHOP! and Punk music :yuk: (very few metalheads). The Ottawa Metalheads are treated as non-educated people and Satanic Worshipers :rolleyes: .

But if I go 2 hours from my place you get to Montreal Quebec, the City of Metalheads.
I"m from Bradenton,Fl. an hour south of Tampa,and surprisinginly there is no scene i can name every true metalhead in this area right now there's less then 15. Our independent store Boogie Woogie has a killer selection though. We have the Brass Mug in Tampa and it's cool there and alot of people show up for certain shows like when Amon Amarth played.
Wellington, New Zealand. I think there is a small (VERY small) metal community here, but I don't know about it (y'know, the occassional gig by local bands, but I've never gone). I don't know anyone else who likes metal, I've been trying to start a doom band for years, but never found anybody :(
I live in a very small village in the west of the Netherlands for 3 years now. But I originate from Eindhoven a city in the south which I still regard as my town.

Eindhoven is almost the Metal capital of Europe. Home of the Dynamo metal pub [which I helped to found], the Dynamo Open Air Festival and the famous metal mag Aardschok.

There are two very good records shop's with a good metal selection, a triving metal scene with loads of bands and regular metal gigs in this wondefull town. Yeah!!

I should go back!! :) I miss the damn place
Kathmandu, Nepal. NO metalheads here... except for the occasional trying-to-show-off gusy who only listen to the crappy nu-metal and punky and rappy stuff... it really comes down to me though. I'm a metal and Gamma Ray devotee creating the first metal fansite at the age of 13, for Gamma Ray and entering nepal's first Web Designing Contest (below 29) and well, i didn't win it though... no one really cares about the essence of GOOD music, except for those nu-metal crap. Metal life is difficult here... thought UM has kept me up with others... ALL MY THANX TO THE ONE-n'-ONLY UltimateMetal - and Mark... ciaos... :)
I live in a town called Borås in Sweden. In Borås there are not that strong metal veins but in Sweden it's quite good. As you probably know there are many good bands from Sweden (e.g. In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Dark Funeral, Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, The Crown, Entombed, and so on).
which is in the US. This was the death metal state capital of the world during the early 90's. Bands like Monstrosity, Diabolic, Obituary, Deicide and Death are from here and bands like Cannibal Corpse and Malevolent Creation moved down here because it was in their best interest due to the death metal music explosion here. The scene kicked ass than but it sort of died out during the rest of the 90's. Hopefully, the glory days will return.