The Metal of Today


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
Hi everyone, sorry for the unexpected thread. I just want to speak to the community about something.

Well, you see . . . I'm one of many of these who have begun to notice the sharp switch in our lovely Metal genre(and its subgenres) in recent years. Yeah, I'm sure there are still many of the older bands who were around for long enough to build up their name and following, and that's great. But aside from those "popular" metal bands, there are also these bands who started only in recent years, and I think some of them, without mentioning any names, are simply a bad presentation of the genre to the fans, especially newer ones who are not "sure" what they're supposed to get into. When I think about it, it makes complete sense and why people are going through these hard times, "figuring things out" when it comes to choosing their desired metal style.

We all love the old metal bands, the one who started the whole thing or made a huge impact on how the genre developed, etc. But then there's these newer metal bands that start showing up and try to be pros but they're in fact unprofessional assholes who cant play for shit(sorry for the term - just had to use it!). And then it made me realize, that it just boils down to one thing - the new metal fans and what they're getting into. I think to everyone's his own and all, but that being said, they've been playing around trying out bands and shit, and when they hear those shitty new metal bands they say "wow", and think that this is what metal is all about, and that is so wrong. So this rusty state of the genre we all love, in the eighties or nineties, it wasnt like that as much because people had a strong memory of who influenced what and who plays the ace of hearts in this game we call heavy metal. But as years go by, even from the early 21st century, I am one of the many "aware" guys to notice how the newer bands kind of make the older, classic one's be overlooked by them and this may ultimately lead to a permanent damage in history of the genre. Imagine how scary that would be?

Sorry for the long post; I just really hoped to hear opinions of some fellow metallers here on this subject.
Alright so, I see that many of you are confused about what I'm talking about and what point I'm trying to make here. A little explanation, then!

Well, you see . . . I know that not many people are able to notice this, but in recent years(especially from like, the early 2010's), a lot of new metal bands start appearing and such, and remain relatively unknown yet their music can be pretty good. But with that being said, I think they're very much lacking originality(most of them) and simply attempt to imitate the ones they are influenced by vs playing original music and create something that's giving a unique sound for them. Now, to each his own and all but - you know that, when you take those newer bands and compare them to the older, classic bands - for example Judas priest, Metallica, Black Sabbath, etc. - those new bands 's sound is nothing compared to them. They all seem to be composing the same shit, I think. So that's sth I was curious to hear other people's opinions about, if you agree/disagree, etc.

Hope that made things clear now
I don't know what you are listening to, but there are plenty of new bands that sound like Judas Priest, Metallica, or Black Sabbath.
Yeah, you see... the thing is, there are so many new bands forming in recent years, that are so inexperienced in what they're doing that they just cant come up with composing something unique and original, so, they just compose shit that is influenced by the bigger bands(the 3 I mentioned, for example). This is where I think that they fail, and where my hatred is coming from towards these bands. I'm not saying all new metal bands are like that, because I know a few really original and unique ones, who create really good music without being a slave to their influences. But most of them unfortunately, are indeed slaves to their influences, and that's just goes to show how much of a shitty turn the metal scene has taken in recent years.
This thread reeks is kvltism. There's plenty of good metal being made. Look for it or stay stuck in the 80s. Quit putting ability on a pedestal too, most bands release their best albs when they're least experienced.
This thread reeks is kvltism. There's plenty of good metal being made. Look for it or stay stuck in the 80s. Quit putting ability on a pedestal too, most bands release their best albs when they're least experienced.
I dont want to stay stuck, but its come to a point where I am kind of forced to because of all the shitty metal bands appearing in recent years. but I dont want my point to be misunderstood, I think there are quite a few good bands appearing in recent years that can blow the roof off quite easily. And I'm not just saying this because I like them personally, I know they have a large fanbase already and they only started a couple years ago. Imagine how big of an achievement that is? And then there's these unknown metal bands that appear out of nowhere and attempt to blow the roof off, yet they barely moved an eyebrow. I'd say, they are not even really playing together to create something interesting, they just do it for fun, or are in their stage of "figuring things out" when it comes to composing good music. And these bands are sadly a bad presentation of this lovely genre, and so no matter how many bands are being formed in recent years, or how good they become, they'll never surpass the classic ones whose influence is recognied by metalheads worldwide, and cannot be disputed. And when you try and tell me otherwise, that just shows how ignorant you are about this.
Originality should NEVER come at the cost of good music. If you turn down good music because its not "original" then you're a cunt imo.
I'd say, they are not even really playing together to create something interesting, they just do it for fun, or are in their stage of "figuring things out" when it comes to composing good music.

So when I wanna play music, I can't play for fun, I have to create something interesting, even if it's boring for me? And again, many bands were during their formative years and as the times passed they became really good. Fueled By Fire comes to my mind right now, from stupid "Thrash Warriors and Emo Killers" to really good Death/Thrash band.
as i've said before i do think there have been certain developments that have stunted metal's creativity in the 21st century, some of them inevitable. this thread doesn't nurture actual debate though because all its arguments are sweeping generalisations and completely unverified.

also i can't take this guy seriously when he's a regular on the symphony x forum lol, if this perceived problem of his IS a real one then he's more complicit than most of us.
I agree with what he's saying, generally. Maybe not applicable to death or black metal, but most retro trad or retro thrash just doesn't have the ambition or songwriting chops of the 80s bands, to the point that I still regularly discover very obscure demo bands that destroy virtually every contemporary thrash band around. The current scene is very diverse in that the retro movement has allowed people to hear new material from almost every niche imaginable, but a lot of imitation comes down to stylistic/aesthetic choices; e.g. Slayer and Mercyful Fate clones never write songs as nuanced as their heroes.
I agree with what he's saying, generally. Maybe not applicable to death or black metal, but most retro trad or retro thrash just doesn't have the ambition or songwriting chops of the 80s bands, to the point that I still regularly discover very obscure demo bands that destroy virtually every contemporary thrash band around. The current scene is very diverse in that the retro movement has allowed people to hear new material from almost every niche imaginable, but a lot of imitation comes down to stylistic/aesthetic choices; e.g. Slayer and Mercyful Fate clones never write songs as nuanced as their heroes.

there are still some great bands now a days though