Metal Gods Tour Cancelled


Jun 1, 2002
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According to the Metal Gods website the tour will be cancelled after the New York shows. Apparently the reason is Halford's tour manager miscalculated the sales on the tour, and expected to make a bonus on every city, which he didn't. So because of that he decided to stop the tour since he says it isn't feesible to keep 6 buses and a van of merch on the road. If this is true then Halford's tour manager is the biggest idiot on this planet and should definetely find a new career because being a tour manager involves knowing how to plan and calculate expenses in advance instead of making stupid assumptions prior to the tour. I hope that Testament can hook up with some other headliners and still have a tour with all the same cities in the near future. I was really looking forward to seeing Testament here in Montreal but unfortunately that won't be happening and it really sucks because the show was selling very well.
Cant help but wonder if the bands contact their labels
aka Testament: Spitfire, Amon Amarth- Metalblade, Immortal- Nuclear Blast, Carnal Forge- Century Media... and whether or not Primal fear even would want to go without rob... that would be cool...

and just organize a new tour...
I mean fuck, the busses are rented, the bands are fucking here, and their on the road, JUST FINISH THE FUCKING TOUR ALREADY...
HALFORD Manager Says A Single Person Caused Collapse Of METAL GODS Tour - May 3, 2003
HALFORD manager John Baxter has offered more details regarding the cancellation of The 2003 Metal Gods North American Tour, a multi-band package featuring HALFORD, co-headliners TESTAMENT, IMMORTAL, CARNAL FORGE, PRIMAL FEAR, PAINMUSEUM, and AMON AMARTH.

According to Baxter, "It was a single individual that caused the collapse of the tour. The individual's employer [apparently referring to the Universal Attractions booking agency—ed.] was unaware of what their employee was doing until early this week, and the matter was eventually brought to my attention on Tuesday [April 29]. I worked tirelessly with everyone to try and overcome the problems.

"All the labels and managers understood it was going to be impossible for me to overcome what had been set in motion, but I gave it all my attention with hopes of finding a solution.

"Please realize I began work on this tour last September, believing the hard core metal fans would show up if I could get it on the road. This was my baby and it became all of [the fans'] once we debuted. I can't say there isn't anyone hurt more by this news than me because I know each of [the fans is] as passionate about metal as I, or [they] wouldn't be visiting [the official HALFORD site] and attending the shows.

"I can't give a timeline as to when specifics can be released. This is now a very serious legal matter, and it will be resolved the way all legal matters are resolved — with time.

"Again, none of the bands [on the tour] were involved [in the cancellation of the tour], and none will be facing any type litigation.

"[The] bands were not arguing. There was an outstanding level of professionalism carried by all the bands, managements and labels.

"The activity [that caused the tour's cancellation] took place away from everyone's view.

"Everyone in the entourage is bitterly angry, but now realize we all have to recover and move on. Not comforting but realistic.

"Both New York shows [at B.B. King's in New York City on Friday, May 2 and Saturday, May 3] will go as planned.

"We've looked at this from dozens of angles since Tuesday afternoon. Pulling the shows was the last option.

"Rob is too angry to do anything other than give [New York] the performances of his life."
Too bad the rest of the bands can't go on and call it "Thrash Gods" instead of "Metal Gods". Fortunately this time I can cancel my room in Vegas and get a refund on both my tixs and room unlike last time. I think the rest of the bands should go on like they did in San Diego on New Years. That was a amazing way to start the New Year. :)
metalmaiden said:
...Too bad the rest of the bands can't go on and call it "Thrash Gods" instead of "Metal Gods"...

hellz yea, if it has neting to do wit halfrod and his crew they should dump him, pick up slayer or no one else even and just continue, cuz just like someone said, the places were booked, buses rented.... im all for it
hiddenlegions said:
"Rob is too angry to do anything other than give [New York] the performances of his life."

Damit! I would say "Fuckin lucky New Yorka's" but that wouldn't be fair. When Rob talks like that he delivers.

Such sad news. You know that this person had to know what they were doin' right. Not only do we as fans suffer, but so does the Talent. Loss of Merchandise Sales, Tickets Sales, future fan base etc.etc.etc. I say cut off his balls and hang em high!