Metal Gods Tour Is Cancelled!!!

This simply blows. I missed them when they came through Seattle about a month back......and this tour to us in the US is like a total traveling metalfest. And Testament and AA were the ONLY reasons I really was amped to go. THe others were just good to be able to see. AA would have been amazing to see live. Hope there's some re-scheduling!! But, I bet the bands are as disappointed as we are.
HemiGTX said:
This simply blows. I missed them when they came through Seattle about a month back......and this tour to us in the US is like a total traveling metalfest. And Testament and AA were the ONLY reasons I really was amped to go. THe others were just good to be able to see. AA would have been amazing to see live. Hope there's some re-scheduling!! But, I bet the bands are as disappointed as we are.

I read on Testament's site that the tour was cancelled because of financial reasons. The statement posted above is a brief version of what's there. The one there makes it a bit more sounds as if the bands weren't paid (or not paid enough) for the concerts. The one above makes it seem as if it was one of the bands' fault that it was cancelled.

I'm not as disappointed about staying home that night now. I wouldn't have been able to go because of the lack of money, but now there's no show, so I don't have to worry.
About a month back I was checking out [Quebec metal info site] MetalMania and I found a listing for an AA show coming to Montreal. I was super pumped to go but couldn't because it was on a monday and my parents are shmoes. However, through careful research I found hint of them coming back to Montreal with HALFORD & TESTAMENT!
:OMG:What was even better was that the show was going to take place the day before my birthday. I planned everything out, got money for tix and beer, got my folks to let me go, got friends to come along and felt like I was heading for the BEST FUCKING TIME OF MY LIFE. Until saturday night came and I caught wind of the bad news. WHY? FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS FUCKING METAL, WHY! Honestly I'm so fucking pissed off right now. If in anyway this reaches the person who can get Amon to come to Montreal, even if it's just them, PLEASE BRING THEM.

I think I speak for everyone when I say, THIS FUCKING BLOWS.
we hunt down this person who did the injustice and make him pay for stealing from this tour that should have been heavy metals answer to crapfest (ozzfest). for every dollar he/she/it stole, gets a limb of their body broken/ripped/smashed, then, we stake that person on a cross and leave him in the woods all alone while the cross is inverted. finally, after some decaying begins, we dose the dose corpse in nitro glycerine and set that s.o.b. on fire. now thats payback for messing up a fine tour. i mean, i was supposed to see amon amarth for the second time, and i missed their tour with deicide, and, having that opportunity taken away from me and the fans b/c of one jerk who decided to steal money from real musicians?!?!?!!? pathetic.
Odis said:
Summerbreeze here I come.
Check it out folks
It would be cool to see some of you !:rock:

Jesus fucking christ. If there was a time I wanted to live in Europe it's right now. Just LAST NIGHT I was saying how it'd be amazing to see Amon Amarth, Borknagar and Finntroll play together. Then I click this link and THERE IT IS. PLUS Children of BODOM and In Flames and other quality bands. Anyone want to give me some plane tickets to Germany?
steve112sms said:
Jesus fucking christ. If there was a time I wanted to live in Europe it's right now. Just LAST NIGHT I was saying how it'd be amazing to see Amon Amarth, Borknagar and Finntroll play together. Then I click this link and THERE IT IS. PLUS Children of BODOM and In Flames and other quality bands. Anyone want to give me some plane tickets to Germany?

Anyone living in US going to the Summer Breeze this year? I am planning on going so I'm looking for partner in crime.