Metal Image


Ominous Bloodvomit
May 20, 2006
Belgrade, Serbia
This is a question directed more to people who don't believe Mr. Lucifer exists as an entity and likes to make humans his sex bitches hehe.

I've been often confronted with people asking me why does metal, especially Death Metal use "Satanic" symbols, why is it aggressive and why do we see each other rather as "demons" than something else.

I have my whole opinion on this but I'd like to know yours first.

Why do you like metal and it's "devilish characteristics"? What are you thinking about while showing the "devil" horns up high?
It's not about satan for me either, and I think it's extremely silly to truely beleive in him or the other guy. Where to start. I personally listen too music to capture myself in the mood they're respresenting, and make me feel it to the fullest extent. When I listen too bands that are using anti-christian/satan-promoting lyrics I just see it as a symbol. Reasoning for that is, in this world nothing is more evil than satan and the demon-spirits of the underworld and killing. It is what people fear and that's what I like my music to do to me. It needs to make me feel evil.

I think I can safely say all of us arent murderers. So how do we keep from bashing in peoples faces and sipping at the blood pouring from their eye sockets? (we all get that urge) Well that desire needs to be controlled, and Death Metal is a perfect cure. It lets you use those emotions without suffering any consiquence other than your parents telling you to turn that shit off. I'm still a normal person though and I don't listen to the music to be hardcore. Infact, last time I happened to be too close to a mosh pit I was warning people to stay away from me, because I don't need to act like a fool to let it out.. I got the music for that right infront of me. Headbanging and showing the horns I beleive shows more than enough appreciation to the band. And then other genres of extreme metal let you feel different when you want too, like Amon Amarth and their Viking Death Metal :p

Could be just me, but that's my story. It keeps me from going insane. Plus how can you deny how awesome it sounds after you've gotten used too it.
I mostly agree with EmeticGore, although I'm often in the Moshpits :D I just think it's really fun, I don't do it to be "hardcore" or whatever. The music comes before it all and if it uses antichristian/satanic lyrics then fine, as long as the music is death metal. I haven't completely decided how I stand towards satanic lyrics because I definately have nothing to do with satanism, but I don't really mind it. I see it similarily to Emeticgore, it's a symbol and it just fits the music too. And it's definately better to write and listen to music about raping virgins and blabla than actually doing it.
I wear "metal" t-shirts because I like them, not because some weird ideology... people can think whatever they want to, I just don't care.
I definitely don't have any beliefs in satan or god, that's just irrational. The only true "evil" as some might call it is within all people, and metal is a genre of music that glorifies and embraces all parts of the human psyche. I wouldn't say I randomly have the urge to go set people on fire, but we all have violent tendencies and I prefer the honesty of metal and enjoy that aspect of the music. It's not intended for people that are looking for more ways to deny their humanity and fit into what has become acceptable etiquette. Which in most of America at least, has become christian standards for control combined with expectations and opinions enforced by general media.

Besides the more philosophical meaning though, I listen because it sounds fucking awesome. To me an awesome growler or a great guitarist is a more preferable sound to hearing someone being a douche on American Idol or a pop CD.

Which really brings up image, because most people in pop music are at least partly judged on their looks. I saw a video review for some music magazine on youtube where a britney spears album was knocked a few points down because of her "image" and behaviour. Not 100% why I saw this video honestly so don't ask. Seriously, you don't see bullshit like that in metal. You can be one ugly motherfucker and fit right in, and in fact stupid behaviour is expected. They day someone pulls 10% from a hypocrisy album because Peter looks like several aliens combined with Johnny Depp, or Amon Amarth gets docked points because Johan Hegg is several centuries behind in fashion is a sad day indeed.

As for devil horns... Well that just the symbol of metal really. At a concert I do it to show I'm loving the show sometimes. There is no relation to satan within the symbol anyways, that's just its adopted meaning. Metal's image in more rational people (not grim and trvv people) I would say is even anti-image. It's just showing up for a concert and acting as retarded, brutal and crazy as you fuckin' want and there is nothing wrong with it.:headbang:
I don't listen to metal to help agression nor does it make me angry and I have never wanted to set someone on fire. Metal to me has a whole other texture of music and it is very unique. I listen to it becuase it kind of paints images and mental imagery for me that no other music can. I also sometimes get massive chills because some compositions are just great. Also some metal is just well composed and I can appreciate it from a musicians standpoint.

I'll anser your questions one by one
As for the satanic symbols, I think that is just to give a band an image.

It's agressive just because it's the nature of the music.

I never have seen any other person as a demon (not sure if I'm understanding the question).

read above to why I like metal.

I show the devil horns to give respect to the band.
Just to note: I'm atheist. I don't believe in god, satan, the devil, etc.

But I have thought a bit about this issue and I believe it boils down to - metal's largely an angry genre of music and you need lyrics and imagery to fit the mood. Satanism, carnage, hatred, etc. just fit the general aggression inherent within metal. In other words, the lyrics are violent because the music is violent. Most bands don't follow their lyrical themes outside the music. It would be pretty ridiculous if they did. I wear the shirts and look "metal" because I like the style. The "devil horns" are, by this point, completely separate from their original meaning and are generally understood to mean "rock on." And if none of this makes sense, it's probably my fault as I'm rather messed up on vicodin (recovering from surgery).
I listen to it becuase it kind of paints images and mental imagery for me that no other music can.

This is one of the main reasons I love metal.

For me though its also very cathartic and I guess in some respects a form of escapism for me.

Cool thread btw.
I definitely don't have any beliefs in satan or god, that's just irrational. The only true "evil" as some might call it is within all people, and metal is a genre of music that glorifies and embraces all parts of the human psyche. I wouldn't say I randomly have the urge to go set people on fire, but we all have violent tendencies and I prefer the honesty of metal and enjoy that aspect of the music. It's not intended for people that are looking for more ways to deny their humanity and fit into what has become acceptable etiquette. Which in most of America at least, has become christian standards for control combined with expectations and opinions enforced by general media.

Besides the more philosophical meaning though, I listen because it sounds fucking awesome. To me an awesome growler or a great guitarist is a more preferable sound to hearing someone being a douche on American Idol or a pop CD.

Which really brings up image, because most people in pop music are at least partly judged on their looks. I saw a video review for some music magazine on youtube where a britney spears album was knocked a few points down because of her "image" and behaviour. Not 100% why I saw this video honestly so don't ask. Seriously, you don't see bullshit like that in metal. You can be one ugly motherfucker and fit right in, and in fact stupid behaviour is expected. They day someone pulls 10% from a hypocrisy album because Peter looks like several aliens combined with Johnny Depp, or Amon Amarth gets docked points because Johan Hegg is several centuries behind in fashion is a sad day indeed.

As for devil horns... Well that just the symbol of metal really. At a concert I do it to show I'm loving the show sometimes. There is no relation to satan within the symbol anyways, that's just its adopted meaning. Metal's image in more rational people (not grim and trvv people) I would say is even anti-image. It's just showing up for a concert and acting as retarded, brutal and crazy as you fuckin' want and there is nothing wrong with it.:headbang:

Well said brother :cool: