Metal in the 2000s


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
This thread is very similar to another thread that I made about a little more then a year ago. But the focus of this thread is the 00s, or what I call modern metal(which actually spills into the late 90s).

Each metal decade had been known for something, the 70s known for the birth of metal, the 80s for thrash, NWOBHM, and the start of extreme metal, and the 90s for when extreme metal started to really get active. But what about this decade?

Well I believe that different things have happened. You have the revival of 70s and 80s metal, which includes the thrash revival, early traditional doom revivals, 80s power metal revivals, as well as older bands putting out new stuff, and their older albums reissued.

Just a few thoughts about this decade.
Then you have modern sounding bands doing there own thing, like folk metal bands.

What about the mainstream view on modern metal? We had the birth of metalcore and nu metal, which could be viewed as this decades version of 80s hair metal (which I think isn't a fair comparison considering I view 80s hair metal better then any metalcore or nu metal band put out).
some obvious "progressions" of metal from this decade are folk, and the modernization of black metal. the industrial BM, post BM, etc... and the modern sludge (MOTA, isis, etc)

in a nutshell, metal broke out of its shell this decade.

and if im being completely honest, i think this decade has been the best for metal. its gotten a bit more intelligent. although im not saying previous decades lacked intelligence. well, maybe a little
It marked a diversification in metal I think. The blurring of the boundaries between the genres.

I don't think nu metal can be called a 2000s trend as it clearly had already become massively popular in the 1990s.
And probably by far the biggest mark of the era is the explosion of the internet. Obviously this too started in the 1990s but it wasn't until the 2000s that obscure older albums became discoverable and downloadable, sales by internet increased exponentially, forums like this expanded allowing for better communication and sharing of music and ideas, free sampling of music via myspace etc etc.
some obvious "progressions" of metal from this decade are folk

Definitely. The subgenre of folk metal has exploded since 2000.

I think the symphonic influence in metal has really become prominent as well. Since the popularity of epic films like the LOTR Trilogy and 300, lots of bands have acknowledged being inspired by film scores. I think this has proven to have a large impact on the symphonic sounds in metal.
in a nutshell, metal broke out of its shell this decade.

It most certainly broke out of its shell, but I think it also lost its way. There seems to be an internal fight of how far you can push the foundations of the genre against those who wish to continue following the path forged from the earlier artists.
It most certainly broke out of its shell, but I think it also lost its way. There seems to be an internal fight of how far you can push the foundations of the genre against those who wish to continue following the path forged from the earlier artists.

Agreed. This is actually the subject of an article I'm working on.
meh, i can see how some would think metal might have lost its way. but really, metal has always been about doing what you want. im not gonna get into the "who cares about genres, let them do what they want" argument, but the argument isnt anything new. and im not sure it has to do with progression, but style. power metal and nwobhm vs death metal would be a perfect example
If metal lost its way, there wouldn't be bands playing old-school stuff at all. Everything would be modern sounding and there wouldn't even be references to the old-school...then people could complain...but until then, I don't find a problem with metal nowadays at all. Everything you could want still exists...I almost feel bad for the pitiful nostalgic losers in metal though, who just cannot give up the past and yet still hold it dear, holding onto it with the old music. Everything just has to be a "battle" for reclamation with them, and I disagree firmly with it.

If purists had their way every single time things in music started changing, metal probably never would have come to exist how the current metal purists want it to remain.
the most meaningful music situates itself firmly in a historical context yet relates itself to that context in a fresh way; this is becoming increasingly apparent in this decade. a lot of modern metal only does the former (cloning) or doesn't relate to it at all (gimmicky experimentation), neither of which are conducive to a listener's enjoyment.

still, there's a shitload of good modern metal still around - just got more trash to sift through. it will be very interesting to see which/how many of this decade's bands will have classic status in the underground 20 years down the line.
I can agree with that. I don't see why it is hard to ignore the modern garbage though. It's not like in the 80s there weren't bad, lame, trendy, whatever bands "polluting" metal at all. Of course there rock garbage and stuff like that was "considered metal" and it would probably be just as annoying as the metalcore/shouty heavy bands being considered metal thing nowadays is to the people who want to 'revive metal's former glory.' It's just bullshit in my opinion. It's a noble goal but one that doesn't really have the outcome that is allegedly desired.
I almost feel bad for the pitiful nostalgic losers in metal though, who just cannot give up the past and yet still hold it dear, holding onto it with the old music. Everything just has to be a "battle" for reclamation with them, and I disagree firmly with it.

If purists had their way every single time things in music started changing, metal probably never would have come to exist how the current metal purists want it to remain.


i understand a desire to remember our roots (and we should, because the past always shapes the future). but some people take it to an asshole-ish level. problems will always arise when people fear change.
lol @ people that think certain bands are destroying metal. It isn't destroying jack shit.. Like it's been said it's not hard to ignore the modern trendcore bands. I really don't care what these bands do with "metal" it isn't going to make me get upset and think "oh god metal is being ruined by these posers" There are tons of bands playing old school stuff and they aren't going to stop anytime soon.
If metal lost its way, there wouldn't be bands playing old-school stuff at all.

Actually, it's my feeling that this "old-school revival" is in some ways a reaction of the metal genre losing its way. Bands are unsure or possibly unwilling to take the chances of forging a new idea so they cling to proven formulas to make "by the numbers" metal. This isn't to say I don't enjoy some of this revival that is happening.
I don't think it's relevant, the world is gonna end in 2O12. The music industry leads me to think so. Everything has been already done and the best bands of today out there only imitate what's been done in 80 and 90s. End in three years actually sounds logical. Like, seriously, people in porn eat faeces and shit, that's like, fucking weird and should end.
If metal lost its way, there wouldn't be bands playing old-school stuff at all. Everything would be modern sounding and there wouldn't even be references to the old-school...then people could complain...but until then, I don't find a problem with metal nowadays at all. Everything you could want still exists...I almost feel bad for the pitiful nostalgic losers in metal though, who just cannot give up the past and yet still hold it dear, holding onto it with the old music. Everything just has to be a "battle" for reclamation with them, and I disagree firmly with it.

If purists had their way every single time things in music started changing, metal probably never would have come to exist how the current metal purists want it to remain.

lol @ people that think certain bands are destroying metal. It isn't destroying jack shit.. Like it's been said it's not hard to ignore the modern trendcore bands. I really don't care what these bands do with "metal" it isn't going to make me get upset and think "oh god metal is being ruined by these posers" There are tons of bands playing old school stuff and they aren't going to stop anytime soon.

This is not what either of us were saying, so calm the fuck down and enough with the fucking knee-jerk defensive reactions every time something even remotely like this comes up.
i wasn't actually responding to anyone really. It really is the attitude of a lot of people on these kinds of forum. You really can't deny that. Also bands play a large part in this kind of stuff "DEATH TO POSERS AND FALSE METAL"
also, this decade brought younger hipsters who swear by old school music but were obviously too young to hear it the first time. i think they might be the bigger issue than purists who have been around since the dawn of the scene...