metal in your life?


Jul 6, 2002
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hi, i wanna know the importance of music in your life and especially metal music?
for me it's very importante, not just for the metal because i learn music but i have a partial to that music and you?
Music is very important to me. I mean, I do other things, but being an avid musician and CD collector (mostly metal) music plays a large part in my daily activities.
Metal is important to me. I'd much rather listen to metal than watch TV or read. But it is far from the most important thing in my life. ANd I certainly don't base my life around it. Life too short for that.
Metal's one of the most important things in my life.

I dunno who said this:

"Metal isn't a fashion statement, it's a way of life"

I agree with that quote completely. I don't force myself to like it, i love it generally, and i never get tired of it.
see my signature. it explains it pretty completly for me. i believe it and live it 100%
man metal music drives me mad :lol: always when i'm on my computer i always play metal while i'm working and on my car that's all i play (there's also some classical music when i'm in a mellower mood:D ) while i'm playing guitar or keys i have my stereo pumped up with metal:D .

mmmm metal as a lifestyle, well i look like a typical person though i wear a leather jacket and black pants from time to time, the funny thing is that some rockers that i know always wear black clothes, make up, skull rings and they act like they are the biggest rockers and metallers in the world and most of them don't even listen to extreme bands like i do.

(don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that i'm the biggest metalhead in the world :p )
yes, me i sign my life for the metal music. i hate seeing on tv poeple like ultra pop music stars who played 3 chords and the same all the time and next time we heard that metal music have a bad influence on the kids (not for all kids). so sorry for my english, i hope that you understand what i want to say.
I listen to music when I just sit, when I write this, when I drive, when I drink beers and partying in general.. I always listen to music, exept when I read and is on work... Music has an important role in my life; especially because I play guitar, but also because it´s a fascinating form of art...

Metal celebrates the very same virtues as I do myself!
Metal is definitely more than "just the music I like", it is a way of life. But nowadays it just seems that for too many people metal is just a "cool" thing that they grow out of in some point. Well, I guess I just have to say "whimps and posers, leave the hall!"
my life basically evolves around my music, i did music gcse, im taking a level music now, im then going onto a music college and i hope to find sucess in a band. i have played guitar for 8 years, lots of different styles of guitar like classical i guess it is a way of life. :)
While music is a very important (and quite expensive :D :D ) in my life and it consumes a great deal of time from each day of my life, I don't believe it's really a way of life. I'd listen to a particular band or artist because they express some of my feelings. What I feel or think dictates the music I like and not the other way around. As for metal, while it's still a large part of my musical interests, it's far from being the most important. I really believe that music is a way of expressing your thoughts and feelings but not something you'll "build" your life around. Maybe if I was a musician it'd be different, but right now, I'd have to say that music (and as a result metal) is not a way of life for me...
Metal is very important to me and one of the top things in my life. Metal is a way of life in my opinion. It just goes beyond the mucis and has so much more meaning to it. I don't know what I would do without metal. Before I got into metal I was lost and didn't know what the fuck I was doing. metal made me find the real me and bring out the kid who doesn't care what other people think about me and to do what I want in life rather than be a follower and try to look cool all my life. Metal plays a major role in my daily activities.
I'm with you GRAVEDIGGER. METAL music has touched me like a guardian angel. No shit! It has, believe it or not, kept me strong and out of the trouble so many others have gotten into. Over the years, especially my teenage years and early 20s, HEAVY METAL really shaped my life and made me a true individual. It was obvious to me how much Metal meant to me when, in the USA, METAL disappeared, and I was the only one(no exaggeration)around who still listen to it. I tuned out the media completely, cutting myself off from TV and Radio(as I do now). And the price I payed for standing alone was, of course, being alone. I just was not interested in going to bars, clubs, or concerts anymore, and only because the music brought me down. REALLY screwed with me if I gave it a chance. SO I hated it and distance grew between myself and the friends I had made since I was in grade school. Of course I wasn't alone all the time, but when I was, I was happier, more satisfied with my life than everyone else I knew. It was all METAL music that made me very unique. Unlike the rest. Now, 11 years later, mid-30s, wife and kids, great job, and STILL standing alone when it comes to the music I love. Looking back, I don't regret a thing. METAL brought me here and METAL will take me home. METAL is soo much more than entertainment to me. Soo much more than music. IT IS A WAY OF LIFE. AND FOR ME, IT HAS BEEN A GREAT LIFE! THANKS TO ALL HEADBANGERS AND BALLCRUSHERS!!
i learn music and différent musics like you leper iffinity, and the only riff i find was metal riff, with différente rythme but it sound deffinitly metal. all that i do was connected with the music i heard:METALLLLLLLLL. i learn 4 years psychologie at university and i think i was more character than everybody around me. it's the 2 effect of metalllllll