Metal IR Pack for X50


Nov 24, 2011
Hi everyone!
Here's my little contribution to this community, I've learned a lot here even though I'm just a hobbyist playing guitar and recording my own bands.
Since I don't have much experience I can't provide many insights into audio engineering, however I can share a pack of matched-eq IRs I made for you.
Although I no longer use match-eq when mixing I still find it useful in some occasions when tracking and referencing tones.

I created these using TSE X50 v2 as it's my favorite amp sim regarding features and feel, and also for consistency. E.g. Exodus - Tempo of The Damned tone was recorded with a modded jcm800 so I could have used Lepou HyBrit since it's a jcm ampsim, but i prefer to use X50 instead.

So without further ado here's my Metal IR Pack for X50 with tones from some of my favorite bands I hope you guys enjoy it! :headbang:

Download Here: Metal IR Pack
What parameters in x50 have you used to play with these impulses? with or without tscreamer? with or wihout poweramp? thanks