Metal mastering for max loud ???

Peace. I am not here to promote myself, although I have worked with artist as diverse as Anal Cunt (as mentioned) to Jame Labrie, Nuno, K Richards. etc. and many I would rather not mention.

It's just the statement that presets in Ozone must be hurting ME's that set me off.

yeah, no problem for me.

but, who talked about presets?¿:ill:
All of joeys stuff is mastered by him... He tracked/mixed/mastered The Devil Wears Prada and they are huge right now. I'm pretty sure he uses a combination of Ozone and a mix comp last time I heard.

That's proof right there it def can be done... but he knows what he is doing. Once again it's the user not the tools but he is a rare breed. Plus, I don't know really of anyone else who successfully does this.

edit: I didn't see this second page. Forgive me for repeating this info. :)
he's just asking a fucking question and its not a dumb one

he's asking where would you put the finalizer, before or after sw
Whatever the gear you have, you still need to fully understand it so it gets you where you want to go.
That's it! where YOU want to go.
Fooling around with the buttons until it sounds like what you believe as brought the mix to a better level is useless whatever the gear.
If you depend on a mastering chain to make your mixes sound better, I suggest remixing.
Mastering was intended to help songs from an album to blend together and get the instruments to glue a bit more.
Now it mostly became a way of killing a mix by pushing it to the point where it becomes unlistenable so it can pass dumb industry standards.
By the way, I believe that the Finalizer is a rather bad plugin for it as a slow reaction time and tends to fool around with phase.
he's just asking a fucking question and its not a dumb one

he's asking where would you put the finalizer, before or after sw

Exactly so. My question was how to combine SW and HW plugins in the finalizer - which are the better ones. Since also SW plugins have been developing and I cannot consider the Finalizer as a holy grail forever. Similarly, I studied many paid videos and read many discussions about mix and mastering. E. g. Brickwall limiter is used in the way that they put two limiters one after another in a chain, each one with a different setup. Therefore I would like to know whether andy uses limiter in the finalizer as Brickwall or he just has soft settings and at the end he uses e. g. L2 or another SW limiter. Limiter is the alfa and omega for making maximum loudness and not to destruct the sound of the mix, especially the drums.
I think you may have seen some misinformation somewhere. Limiters are ANYTHING but transparent. Clipping, when done intelligently, is a much more transparent method to increase gain. But ultimately a combination of compression, limiting and clipping can be what it takes to get the most balanced master, as each has its own effect.
You are surely right but I would like to know how to connect that Finalizer in chain :)
You are surely right but I would like to know how to connect that Finalizer in chain :)

Do you really need plugins with the finalizer 96k?
This is a master made by me with just the finalizer
is it metal enough?

Pay attention to these:
The normalizer section - you gotta cut the peaks so everything has an almost costant amplitude, normalizing too much will make audible clipping (distortion).
Compressor section - tame the frequencies are jumping, you gotta play with threshold and ratio, once you mastered this you can tweak the expert page of this section (frequencies xover, attack, release etc etc)
Limiter section - my advice is to limit the overall spectrum so you're not going over 0db thus avoid clipping.
I'm not a mastering engineer anyway.
Limiter section - my advice is to limit the overall spectrum so you're not going over 0db thus avoid clipping.
I'm not a mastering engineer anyway.

you can actually use the limiter section as a second clipper (that's how I'm very often doing it). use softclip in the normalizer section and boost the output of the compressor into the lim section on hardclip (3-5% hardclip)....
make sure to have great converters and monitoring when using clipping!!
Do you really need plugins with the finalizer 96k?
This is a master made by me with just the finalizer
is it metal enough?

Pay attention to these:
The normalizer section - you gotta cut the peaks so everything has an almost costant amplitude, normalizing too much will make audible clipping (distortion).
Compressor section - tame the frequencies are jumping, you gotta play with threshold and ratio, once you mastered this you can tweak the expert page of this section (frequencies xover, attack, release etc etc)
Limiter section - my advice is to limit the overall spectrum so you're not going over 0db thus avoid clipping.
I'm not a mastering engineer anyway.

Lots of clipping here and there, the mix doesn't stop battling around because of the vocals pushing the entire rest of the mix. Lots of cymbal swindle due to the phasing issue going on with your plugin. The bass content of your spectrum isn't moving at all thus creating the illusion that nothing is punching and no contrast is created troughout the song. A pure monotonous and squashed sound. You killed it man... The finalizer is an horrible plugin and can be easily abused as in this example.