Metal mastering for max loud ???

Lots of clipping here and there, the mix doesn't stop battling around because of the vocals pushing the entire rest of the mix. Lots of cymbal swindle due to the phasing issue going on with your plugin. The bass content of your spectrum isn't moving at all thus creating the illusion that nothing is punching and no contrast is created troughout the song. A pure monotonous and squashed sound. You killed it man... The finalizer is an horrible plugin and can be easily abused as in this example.

I told ya I'm not a mastering engineer lol
I told ya I'm not a mastering engineer lol

So am I, but still I have the desire to make my shit sound good.
This is why I have tossed the Finalizer away for it is to easy to abuse from it and I believe it as a slow reaction time even tought you try to set it at it's fastest reaction time.
Especially when thing go from -120 db to Full Scale in a split second.
The Finalizer let's the first miliseconds of that sudden change pass and then chokes up the mix in a very apparent way kind of like the youtube compression on loud stuff.
And the maximizing section of it is what's creating that battling effect between the instruments.
As soon as the mix should be louder, instruments in the mix start backing up in a harsh way to let the loudest stuff get upfront insted of supporting the mix like it should be.
Anyways, if this is the sound your looking for, I should'nt be telling you this and I'm getting off topic anyways..
Lots of clipping here and there, the mix doesn't stop battling around because of the vocals pushing the entire rest of the mix. Lots of cymbal swindle due to the phasing issue going on with your plugin. The bass content of your spectrum isn't moving at all thus creating the illusion that nothing is punching and no contrast is created troughout the song. A pure monotonous and squashed sound. You killed it man... The finalizer is an horrible plugin and can be easily abused as in this example.

I agree. It is all smoothed out, and monotonous is right. It was obviously captured/performed very well.

When the double bass comes in the cymbals/hat get real choppy
Hi everybody I am new on the forum (and new on mastering:D), just from two weeks week I got the finalizer and I found it a nice unity,at least for me, just is really easy to overdo it..
Since his limiter section is not a maximizer like l2 or ozone lim, so from now I found it better to set it very smooth and as Lasse said as a clipper, and then back on the Daw maximizer , but I am just experimenting, so if some trained user has some advice is welcome!