Metal Scene.. where u live


next in line...
while i was at this small metal consert in the basement of a great resturant... i came to think about u all here :) but not just that.. i wonder; how is the metal scene where u ppl live?
here it has exploded this year, it is small conserts(with only ocal bands, or some more known bands), and it is quite often aranged 'Metal Nights' at different bars. there is something for a metalhead here allmost every weekend now! and for about one, one and a half year ago there was nothing! so now u maybe understand why i sed it has exploded ;)

btw. the consert i where at was: Appartus, Perished and Myriads
well i live in hong kong so you would think that the metal scene is pretty much none existant...there actually is a metal scene (most of the bands are chinese) and everyone here seems to be obsessed with "hardcore". They try so hard to be it, few are actually "hardcore" but there are some good ones. Almost all metal bands are punk influenced (i hate punk). There are no darker metal bands around at all here...i have touble just tryin to find an opeth cd here!

thank god for the internet!!!
Metal is becoming very fashionable, but its all shit, so decent metal here is also, pretty much non-existent!
Originally posted by HellSpawn
btw. the consert i where at was: Appartus, Perished and Myriads

MYRIADS!?!??!?? HOW WERE THEY!? :eek:)))
I have their demothingie etc. and I really
like what I hear :eek:)

The metalscene here is one I have no
contact with... We have Elmstreet where
all the blackmetallers hang out, and I'll start
hanging out there some day as well >:eek:P
Then there's Gothamnights...
They have a gothic party once a month,
but I have never bothered going, cause
I've heard that they mostly play electogoth,
the goth that I don't like >:eek:P

Now, if I was to be the DJ there,
I'd play DOOM! >:eek:)

Then there are some local gigs every
once in a while....

HellSpawn; I'm moving over to your place! >:eek:)
Hmm...i guess my city its not so bad after all. There is quite a number of metal bands in my city ill say maybe 20 or more active 50 or more in total. I particulary like playing at small clubs and house parties and all that life, its fun and you meet a lot of people. My band ( koldun ) some friends ( Nightshades ) other friends ( Arkarius ) and some dudes i just meet ( Horus i think its spelled ) went to a trip outside the city. The gig was a shame the club owner wouldnt allow in people under 18 and i was informed nearly all people on that town where under 18...but the trip was great the guys are crazy. There is always one or 2 parties around the week and we are starting to move around and putting our stuff out locally. I think its a great way to train yourself and know people but in the end, i would not want to be stucked in my hometown forever because other than parties and small clubs there is nothing else. But its a good start i hate people that thinks too high of themselves and feel to important to play at someguys bday party. But thats just me
non-existant in London, unless you like Slipknot and Linkin Park etc. thats all the metal is here. and Hardcore is fucking brilliant!!! bands like Stampin' Ground, Knuckledust and Decimate... i think when you say hardcore your thinking of something else, this hardcore is heavy as shit music, growling screamy lyrics and a fucking excellent live show, nothing what so ever to do with punk.
Hmm I don't live in Vienna, where I think are some places for metalheads... where I live the only metal-event is a small party every few months where they play mostly nu metal :(

This year, however, there was a big metal festival ("mind over matter") near the place I live... haven't been there, though, because of problems with the date :/ I think they had too few visitors, it isn't sure yet if it's gonna take place again next year. If it is, I'm surely gonna be there!
I live in Santiago, Chile and I can say that there´s a scene but very very little.
I think there a re some cool bands but they don´t get the attention they deserve, for example: Bewitched (great Black metal), Dark Ane (technical death metal), Criminal (Death), Misty Eyes (progressive metal), etc etc
but the problem is that there are lots of shitty bands too, yons of bad death metal bands , lots of cheesie power metal bands and more nu crap bands.
When you see the bands is mostly when they open a big group, Dimmu Borgir, Symphony X, Nightwish etc
You people are lucky. Im live in the middle of fucking nowhere. A swamp in south Georgia USA. The only people around listen to is country music or pop-commercial. There is no metal scene. In Florida, where I seen Opeth, the people there seem into Commecial metal like CoF. But thats as close as I am to a Metal scence. There are no bands that ever play within 10 hours of here. YOU, Lucky,Lucky bastards.

Me Falta Dios
Hardcore? Hardly. Shows and pits are brutal, kids are crazy, but music comes at the very end of the chain. I would say that there is 3 or 4 kinds of people in hardcore scenes.

-Ones that are are stupid an fanatic as any Ned Flanders wanna be. Either by politically correctness, ultraradical political ideologies, or plain hippie stupidity, these kids will starve themselves to death and never touch a beer, try to beat up anyone who even lights a cigarrette ( beat up as in with words or actual phisical violence ) try to be a good samaritan saving founds to help the needy ( wich they will be wisely spend in alcohol by the "needy" ) or tell you how bad the goverment is while playing with the 2000 dollars guitar his filthy midclass parents gave him as a present. Yea life sucks i have enough money and time in my hands to get into this stupid band and send angry letters to the congress, what a hard life.

-The ones that are generally AGAINST one or any combination of these people, and like the stupid animals they are form they groups to attack the weak with just about any excuse they can possibly find, even beign a tough guy and be proud of being one.

- People That is stupid enough to think they can unite this people in a single beautiful movement wich objetive its to live a different life against society standarts with the help of your hardcore brothers. Its funny to see how they brotherhood gets smaller each year as people either realizes just how stupid this is or just plain betrays they "Brothers and sisters"

-People that was remotely interested in something else than looking for acceptance with a group of morons like lets say...MUSIC!. The ones that are in this group of people eventually realize there is no room in hardcore for a musician that respects his work and tries to improve it. Unless you are so selfish you do not care to witness such stupidity, you leave. And this is why there is a remarcable lack of talent in hardcore bands, ocassionally there are selfish musicians that produce good music, but for the most part the people left there tries to use sound to identify with one of the groups above and be recognized. Wich makes music suffer greatly.

Not that metal scenes are too far away from that too, but at least there ARE some musicians that walk around metal finding each other to talk about how stupid are people who looks to live a social life through a music genre.
The metal scene is very small here. None of my friends listen to metal. A lot of them seem to be into hardcore and emo. They go to local shows of younger bands and to house parties etc. I don't like the music because I find it to be very pathetic and weak. We get decent shows here once in a while since it is a big city, but most of the concerts that come through are commercialized shit. *cough*ozzfest*cough*

There are a few cities near where I live that seem to have metal scenes. I went to a Slayer show last summer in a smaller city about an hour from where I live. They have had Nile and some other bands play there. One of the bands is called Opeth or something like that. I heard they were good. I really FUCKING hate that I missed that show.

All in all, it's not so bad living here. I just wish there were more local acts and smaller venues to be able to go to and see bands. I like smaller atmospheres because the bands talk to you more, and it just feels more personal than a huge venue that holds 50,000+ people.

Next year I will be in a different city that has 4 major colleges in or within 30 minutes of the city. So, lots of shows come through there at a small venue. I can't wait...
Pretty bad, though the band Sadistic Intent owns a store (dark realm records, that is kinda the center for what scene there is. There was a small explosion about a year and half ago, lots of shows and the like, but now its hit a bad patch again. Some bands we have here are Sanctus (Metal Blade), Sadistic Intent (Necropolis), Nokturne (WWIII), Rise, Ritual, Sol-Evil, Ninth Level (San Diego band, now on The End Records), and some smaller shitty BM stuff. As for the band Myriads, HellSpawn, you need to sit them down and explain to them that their name needs some rethinking. Last I checked, you can't pluralize a word meant to indicate a plurality (i.e "there were myriads reasons" is wrong, while "there were myriad reasons" is correct. :loco: :loco:
Ireland has to be *the* worst place in the universe for metal. You have all these little asswipes thinking they're into heavy music because they listen to Slipknot or Korn. here's only one shop in the country where you can buy decent cd's, which is the Sound Cellar in Dublin, everywhere else is just crap.
I live in the middle of nowhere about 2 hours from Dublin and theres nothing. Decent gigs are extremely rare, local bands are usually complete crap....~sighs~
Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
Ireland has to be *the* worst place in the universe for metal. You have all these little asswipes thinking they're into heavy music because they listen to Slipknot or Korn. here's only one shop in the country where you can buy decent cd's, which is the Sound Cellar in Dublin, everywhere else is just crap.
I live in the middle of nowhere about 2 hours from Dublin and theres nothing. Decent gigs are extremely rare, local bands are usually complete crap....~sighs~
hehe know what you mean, i live in n.ireland, its much the same, i cant get cd's newhere, always have to get them mailorder, no gigs at all in my area, at my school out of the 1000 people who went there i think there were only about 3 into real metal, myself a friend and another friend who i introduced to metal...the rest were into pop or electronic stuff, and there were a few who were into shit bands like slipknot or amen...and about 2 thirds of my year group were christian and kept trying to convert the other one third :D and everytime we tried putting entombed or something on in the sixth-form room they kept turning it off and putting radio1 on instead :( or even worse (if possible) there was a westlife cd that stayed in the cd player for months, everytime u went in it was playing, in the end we put it in the microwave and fried it and enjoyed looking at all the pretty colors and sparks :D
I live in Annandale, New Jersey USA... I would say that there is no metal scene anywhere near my town, but there seem to be quite a few people who listen to somewhat decent forms of metal. There is a great CD store about one hour away from my home, and for shows my friends and I often go to Brooklyn (we were supposed be going there this past Friday but Neveremore canceled). Still, we are surrounded by idiots who listen to rap, pop, and punk. I guess it's not that bad, but it could, and should be a lot better.
the metal scene where I live is completely shattered, and unorganised

We do have two huge metal fests in our area though, Graspop and Dynamo are both on the Dutch-Belgian border; together attracting 35000 metalheads.

Apart from that. In my city where about 40000 students live, there is a place called old market where there are 35 dance pubs and one metal pub. :)

But it is a Heavy METAL pub. Iron Maiden only ;)
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Metal is becoming very fashionable, but its all shit, so decent metal here is also, pretty much non-existent!

Originally posted by _transparant_
non-existant in London, unless you like Slipknot and Linkin Park etc. thats all the metal is here. and Hardcore is fucking brilliant!!! bands like Stampin' Ground, Knuckledust and Decimate... i think when you say hardcore your thinking of something else, this hardcore is heavy as shit music, growling screamy lyrics and a fucking excellent live show, nothing what so ever to do with punk.

??? Non-existant in London??? I think you both should check out the underground scene (which has been a bit dorment of late, but beginning to come back) There's loads of unsigned bands out there that always used to play at the Red Eye. Did you ever go there? There was (and still is) loads of backstabbing, but at least there was something there to backstab with!!
I live in a rather small town in Finland (somewhat under 40 000 ppl) and there are some metal bands here. Actually every band knows each other and that is pretty good, ie bands hangs out with the other bands and stuff like that. The variety is rather great - black metal, death metal, thrash metal, power metal...