Some words about the metal scene where you live


Jun 24, 2002
This thread is for to talk about the metal scenes where you live.

Where I live the metal scene is not so big, but anyway is important. There are a lot of bands, but the most are not good, I wanna say what they can be good musicians, but they are not so original.
Anyway, it is a constant scene, with some clubs, some good stores, and since the last years we have had very good gigs with important bands. That is very good considering that I live in the mor lost country in all the world.

Finnally, there are a lot of kids who are fans of new heavy (happy:grin: ) metal bands, who makes what the metal scene looks very big.
What metal scene!? :lol: There's only one metal band around here and we haven't played anything since... Well, too long ago anyway.... :lol:

As for the scene in our country, well, ask anyone else but me, I'm not too up to date with these things anymore... :lol:
There's a bunch of "I wish I was metal kids" running around listening to Mudvayne and Slipknot. That's about it. I talk to a few people from my state that are into the real stuff, but they all live 90 minutes away. So, like Slaughter up there, there is no metal scene here.
actually, there is a decent metal scene around here....Most shows go to Detroit, but some come across the state. Plus, we have some decent local bands that slay!
Yes, there are a lot of mallcore kids around here... thinking, and I quote

"Slipknot and Ozzy are the fuckin' SHIT dude!"

Other than that, and a few friends I'm converting from the nu-metal scene... there's not a whole lot that goes on reguarding metal.... Hick music maybe... but not metal.
The biggest band here, which got to be the local support for a an Aussie Numetal band, worship Slipknot and the drummer has dredlocks.

Speaks for itself really...

There are about 20 metalheads here, non-numetal ones that is, but they aren't in bands... I am gonna try and get a few together I reckon...
Atlanta really doesn't have a metal scene, but scenes are really stupid to me anyway. People who will go to any generic death metal show and love everything because they're 'supporting the scene' are just as silly as mallcore kids to me. I care about metal and music, about the bands I love, and I love them because their music means somethin to me, that is all. I would need to have a portal to go between germany, sweden, england, ireland, and various different states to be happy with a local collection of bands :lol:. My own band will no longer play shows...because were now only 2 guys and session musicians! And we liek it that way, dammit..
Great scene here. Too bad that my band isn't really doing as much as we could be... or anything really...

Dozens of signed and popular metal bands here...

Scene is good, but just about everything else sucks.
@xeno: your band is lazy:mad: your band music is so special and good.
i have never heard technical death metal like your band doing, i already told you, get your band asses and start to do something you lazy bitchs :grin:
The Showcase Theatre in Corona has death shows quite frequently, and there are a few independent record stores around that actually have a dedicated death metal section (Mad Platter and Sounds Like... Music).