Metal Sounding VST/RTAS guitar plug-ins for MAC?


New Metal Member
Jun 6, 2011
I just invested some $ in buying a G5 mac, and am trying to find an awesome sounding plugin that I can get some pretty brootal tones out of :Smokedev:. (I realise some will say micing up a real amp is superior), but im poor, and this is something in the mean time.

Im using pro tools M powered, and have tried amplitube metal on Windows (which sounds pretty good but cant get the keygen to work for my G5). Also tried some others but most sound like a fuzz pedal, and lack any balls. Tried Guitar Rig, but that only works on PC or Intel Macs. So im getting pretty frustrated!

Anyone else had this problem?

Im beginning to regret buying this thing...
hey, there are tonnes of different amp sims. For an awesome free amp sim, try Lecto (, but you'll need impulses and an impulse response loading piece of software to act as the cab, as its only the amp.

Definitely look at Line 6 Pod Farm 2. Everyones favourite, but tends to have general fizz (so in the words of @SethMunson, try EQ'ing out some 4kHz with a high Q) =P
Lepou & Amplitube 3 are two of the most badass sims you'll find.
Amplitube is absolutely gorgeous for guitar tones.
just buy it instead of stealing it. a worthy investment.
I like Lepou Lecto and LeXTAC a LOT. Just grab LAConvolver for some cab impulses and grab the "God's Cab" off of here and you pretty much have a really good sounding foundation. All of which are free by the way......
Lepou & Amplitube 3 are two of the most badass sims you'll find.
Amplitube is absolutely gorgeous for guitar tones.
just buy it instead of stealing it. a worthy investment.

Yes. Would like to be able to buy it. Where can i do that. its hard to find anywhere to buy it in my country (New Zealand)
I like Lepou Lecto and LeXTAC a LOT. Just grab LAConvolver for some cab impulses and grab the "God's Cab" off of here and you pretty much have a really good sounding foundation. All of which are free by the way......

Cool. So have downloaded Gods cab. Sorry for being a noob, but what the smeg do you do with it after that? Ive got lecto and other similar plugins.

I know what to do with Vst files, just not sure how to associate them with the impulses...
the majority of (if not all) of the ampsims will be sold on their respective websites. just google it and look for a buy it now section. it's all digital downloads these days, shouldn't need to buy it from a shop.
impulses are basically the 'cab'.

you would use an ampsim for the 'amp' part of it. eg. in podfarm i load up the amp i want, but i disable the cab within podfarm. at this point it sounds like absolute fizzy shit. you would then open a plugin that can read impulses, i personally use TL space as it was free with protools. not too sure on others out there, just ask mr google.

so i have my DI track running through the chain of PODFARM (cab bypassed) > TL SPACE (with an impulse loaded) = GOODTIMES
Fandus said:
i personally use TL space as it was free with protools. not too sure on others out there, just ask mr google.

I suggest lecab or voxego boogex for impulse loading. They're both free and do their jobs
Have to be careful with boogex though cause it defaults with weird settings.
I just cant seem to get lecto, or laconvoler to work in Pro Tools.

Is it something to do with the RTAS vs VST formats?
yes you need a wrapper to get vst working in protools, or just stick to rtas.

don't you have TL space then? i thought it came free with protools?
Errr maybe? Im a noob to recording. Got sick of needing others so brought all the gear myself. How do I use TL? :tickled:

I have been using vst to Rtas wrapper, and have successfully wrapped the amp plug ins. But it doesnt seem to recognise the impulse plugins. Perhaps they arent vst?